
我曾在书上看到这样一个句子:The incident takes place in the 1930s. 请问为什么没有使用过去式?是不是错误,应该将takes改为took?

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最佳答案 2016-09-02 22:07

The incident takes place in the 1930s.

【答】单纯从语法角度考虑,一个发生在过去的动作自然要用过去时,所以,把句子改为The incident took place in the 1930s. 是完全合乎语法规则的。当然,在特定情况下,使用一般现在时也是可以的。


She sits down, shivers a little. Clock outside strikes twelve. 她坐了下来,微微有些颤抖,外面钟敲响了12点。(剧情介绍)

Watch me. I mix the three kinds of liquid in the tube. 看着我,我把三种液体在试管中掺在一起。(演示说明)

Earthquake kills more than 100, 000 people. 地震使十多万人丧生(新闻标题)

Kevin throws the ball to Benson and Benson catches it.He jumps and casts it into the basket. 凯文把球扔给本森。本森接过球,跳起来把球投进篮里。(比赛说明)

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  • chenwu 提出于 2016-09-02 19:32
