
Until these issues are resolved , a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected,and with it the only way to solve our problems.


and with it the only way to solve our problems.主要是这个地方,,,求详细讲讲

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最佳答案 2016-08-30 22:45

Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it the only way to solve our problems.


【分析】and with it the only way to solve our problems 是承前省略了谓语部分,本句只提供了主语部分。补充完整为:

and with it the only way to solve our problems will continue to be rejected.

1. with it是介词短语:随之。

2. reject: 拒绝;排斥;抵制;不理睬;冷落

3. to solve our problems 作定语,修饰the only way。

4. until的翻译和理解,请记住以下讲解:

【重要提示】一般情况下,在翻译句子时,把until当作before 来理解就行,也不管动词是延续还是非延续,也不管句中有没有not。例如:

Please stay here until they come back. 在他们回来之前,请你一直呆在这儿。

We waited until the ambulance arrived. 在救护车到来之前我们一直等。

Don't get off the bus until it stops. 在车停下来之前不要下车。(意味着:一直到车停下才可下车。)

It didn’t stop raining until the end of last month. 在上月底之前,雨从未停止。(意味着:直到上月底雨才停下来。)

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  • yy7221385 提出于 2016-08-29 23:56
