
Now comes news of a nasty noodle meltdown. It is less a sign that China’s long consumer boom is waning than that Chinese tastes are changing.


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最佳答案 2016-08-26 20:31

Now comes news of a nasty noodle meltdown. It is less a sign that China’s long consumer boom is waning than that Chinese tastes are changing.



1. 从整个句子来看,that China’s long consumer boom is waning than that Chinese tastes are changing 是主语从句,it 是形式主语。

2. 为理解方便,去掉it,转换如下:

That China’s long consumer boom is wanin is less a sign than that Chinese tastes are changing. (注:蓝色部分是进行比较的两个并列成分)

3. more...than...或less...than... 结构,也可叫作“取舍结构”。所谓“取舍”,就是“肯定否定”,“取”意味着肯定;“舍”意味着否定。具体说:在more...than...结构中,than前的部分是“取”,than后的部分是“舍”。 在less...than...结构中,than 前的部分是“舍”,than后的部分是“取”。在翻译理解时,more A than B(A和B分别代表两个平行并列的成分),可以按照下面的翻译去理解:

1. 是A,不是B

2. 与其是B,倒不如是A

关于less A than B结构的翻译,则是more A than B的反面。

1. 是B,不是A

2. 与其是A,倒不如是B

▲ more A than B 举例:

Tom is more foolish than stupid. 与其说汤姆笨,倒不如说他傻。

She is more a writer than a scholar. 与其说她是学者,不如说她是作家。

She is more like a student than a teacher. 她像一个学生,而不像老师。

They say it is more a comedy than a war movie. 听说这是一部喜剧片而不是战争影片。

It is more like a children's game than a real issue of life and death. 这与其说是真正的生死搏斗,不如说更象一场儿戏。

What we have got here is more like a quarrel than a debate. 这里的样子不像在讨论而像是在吵架。

▲less A than B 举例:

It was less a reform than a transfiguration. 这与其说是洗心革面,不如说是改头换面。

What he said seemed to me less a religion than a set of useful principles for living. 对我来说,他说的更像是一套实用生活法则,而非宗教理论。

Pursuing a dream job is less a leap than a series of incremental steps that move you closer to your goal. 追求理想工作与其说是跳槽,不如说是一系列让你接近目标的循序渐进的步骤。


Tom is more foolish than stupid

That China’s long consumer boom is waning is less a sign than that Chinese tastes are changing.

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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

Now comes news of a nasty noodle meltdown. It is less a sign that China’s long consumer boom is waning than that Chinese tastes are changing.




主语+be+less A than B 有以下2种表达

He is less frightened than nervous.






主语+be+more A than B有以下2种表达

He is more nervous than frightened.





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  • 王钊 提出于 2016-08-22 22:15
