1 get sb over to the house


Took 3 months till we got him over to the house for dinner.


这里的get sb over to...该如何理解呢?

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最佳答案 2016-08-18 05:03



If you go over to a place, you go to that place.

I got out the car and drove over to Dervaig. 我把车开出来,驶向德韦格。

I thought you might have invited her over. 我以为你可能已经邀请她过来了。

▲over的这种用法经常跟表示“位置移动的词语”连用。例如:come, go, walk, run, drive, rush, move, ride, fly, step, hurry, skip, get, take, bring, call, send等,然后跟to,再接地点。构成句型1:V. + over to +地点。

如果是及物动词,构成句型2:V. + 宾语 + over to +地点,如你的例句。

句型1:V. + over to +地点

She hurried over to the entrance to No.4 Platform. 她匆匆向第四号月台入口处走过去。

He has come over to China for the summer. 他不远万里来中国度暑假。

He has gone over to the other party. 他已经投靠另一政党。

He'll run over to school. 他将跑着去学校。

They skipped over to Paris for the weekend. 他们匆匆前往巴黎去度周末。

She has just popped over to the grocer's. 她刚刚到杂货店去了。

句型2:V.+ 宾语 + over to +地点

He moved the table over to the center of the room. 他把桌子移到房间中心。

Take these letters over to the post office. 把这些信送到对面邮局去。

The teacher called me over to his desk in class. 老师在课堂上叫我到他的书桌那儿去。

He flew the aeroplane over to France. 他驾驶飞机来到法国。

Rick brought his machine over to Collins. 雷克把机子带给柯林斯。

They sent him over to the police.  他们将他遣送到警察局。


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