2 be said to do、be said to have done...

be said to do 据说……将作

be said to have done 据说……已经做了


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最佳答案 2016-07-17 09:10


He’s said to be over 100. 据说他100多岁了。

He was said to be jealous of her. 据说他妒忌她。

He is said to have been a brilliant scholar. 据说他曾是个了不起的学者。

The British character is often said to be phlegmatic. 英国人的性格常说成是冷漠的。

He was said to have possessed the gift of prophecy. 相传他有预言的能力。

Youth is said to be fickle and mutable. 人们说青春是捉摸不定、反复无常的。

Forty-one people are said to have been seriously hurt. 据说有41人严重受伤。

Pirates are said to have buried treasure there. 据说海盗在那里埋藏了很多财宝。

The answering machine said to leave a message after the tone. 电话答录机提示说在听到信号后留言。

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  • douya0808 提出于 2016-07-17 07:02
