
1. see sb / sth 看见某人或某物
I hope to see him soon. 我希望不久能见到他。
Tourists queue in thousands to see the tomb. 游客数以千计排着长队参观陵墓。
2. see sb (sth) do sth 看见某人(某事)做了某事。如:
It’s rare to see him smile. 很少见到他笑。
He saw the plane take off. 他看到飞机起飞了。
3. see sb (sth) doing sth 看见某人(某事)在做某事。如:
I saw her crying under the tree. 我看见她在树下哭。
We’re glad to see the trees growing so well. 看到树长得这么好,我们很高兴。
4. see sb (sth) done 看见某人(某事)被……。如:
He saw the man knocked down by a motor cycle. 他看见这个人被摩托车撞倒了。
I’ve never seen the word used that way before. 我从来没有看见这个词这样用过。

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最佳答案 2014-07-31 23:27

She saw that he was sleeping. 她看见他在睡觉。(《张道真英语语法》)
I saw that she was crying. 我看见她在哭。(《牛津英语用法指南》第2版)
Out of the corner of her eye she saw that a car had stopped. 她用眼角的余光瞥见一辆车停了下来。(《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》)
I thought I was a goner when I saw that carheading towards me. 我看见那辆小汽车向我开过来,我以为我是死定了。(《剑桥高级英语词典》第2版)
I saw that perhaps he was right. 我看他可能是对的。(《新牛津英语双解大词典》)
On further reflection, I saw that she might be right, after all. 我再一考虑,反倒觉得可能还是她对。(《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第4版)
Jim saw that the firm was going to be ruined, so he pulled out. 吉姆看到公司快破产了,于是他退了出来。(《张道真英语语法》) 
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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)
Rosabel saw that she was smiling as she read. / I saw that she was composed. (张道真主编《现代英语用法词典》see 1.看见,看到) 
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  • 黄力松   提出于 2014-07-31 14:30
