
The golf course is behind our house. 高尔夫球场在我们房屋的后面。
He turned angrily to the man behind him. 他生气地转向站在他后面的那个男人。
There are many deer in the woods behind our house. 我们住宅的后面有许多鹿。

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最佳答案 2014-08-05 00:13

没错,介词behind 有时表示静态,有时也表示动态,你举的例子均为表示静态。比较disappear behind就是一个比较典型的例子:
The moon disappeared behind a cloud. 月亮消失在云后。
The sun disappeared behind the clouds. 太阳躲到云层后面去了。
She gave thetable a quick wipe and disappeared behind the counter. 

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  • 2 收藏,2475 浏览
  • 徐海梅   提出于 2014-07-29 14:32
