not both 还是 not either?

用both、either、neither 填空:
There were two pictures on the wall. I didn't  like ________ of them.

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最佳答案 2014-07-21 15:14

对于There were two pictures on the wall. I didn't  like ________ of them. 空白处填either或者both都可以,但是含义不同。例如: I did't see either of your parents .  你的父亲和母亲我都没见到。(《外研社英汉多功能词典》第662页I don't  like both of them.并不是他们两个我都喜欢。(《薄冰英语惯用法词典》第128页)
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其它 1 个回答

黎老师,您的意思是说用either是全部否定,用both是部分否定?I don't  like both of them.译成“ 并不是他们两个我都喜欢”  请教一下,此句是否有歧义,能否表示全部否定? 那么这样一个句子: Both of them don't like the picture。 是翻译成“他俩都不喜欢那幅画”还是“并不是他俩都喜欢那幅画”?我倾向于前者。 请黎老师指教。
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  • 董万友 提出于 2014-07-21 13:05
