this summer可以与一般过去连用吗?

this summer的意思是“今年夏天”,它应该是与一般将来时连吧,但下面这句为什么与一般过去连用呢?
I had the opportunity to visit my relatives this summer.

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最佳答案 2014-07-12 08:59

其实 this summer(包括 this week, this month, this year 等)可以与多种时间态连用。比如:


Are you likely to go camping this summer? 夏天你去野营吗?


My sister’s going to have a baby this summer. 我姐姐今年夏天要生孩子。

This summer I will realize my dream of going to Italy. 今年夏天我要实现去意大利的梦想。

If I have enough money, I shall go on vacation this summer. 假如我有足够的钱,我想夏天去度假。


We’re planning a tour of Italy this summer. 我们计划今年夏天到意大利去旅行。

He’s getting married this summer. 他今年夏天结婚。(用现在进行时表示将来意义)

Some very famous artistes are appearing this summer at the festival. 一些著名蹈及歌唱演员将在今夏的艺术节上献演。(用现在进行时表示将来意义)


We had too much rain this summer. 今年夏天雨水太多。

This summer, I was stung by a bee. 今年夏天我曾被蜜蜂蜇了一下。

I had the opportunity to visit my relatives this summer. 今年夏天我曾有机会探望我的亲戚。


We’ve had quantities of rain this summer. 今年夏天下了很多雨。

There has been a great lack of water this summer. 今年夏天很缺水。

We have visited a lot of places this summer. 今年夏天我们参观了好些地方。

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  • 彭新军   提出于 2014-07-10 14:45
