see much of sb 是什么意思?

从字面上看,see much of sb的意思应该是“看到某人很多(部分)”,但实际的翻译却不是这样的。如:

The two men don’t see much of each other. 这两个人不常见面。

但是后接地点(see much of sth)却又不同。如:

You can’t see much of a country in a week. 一周之内看一个国家看不了多少地方。

请问到底该如何理解 see much of sb与 see much of sth?谢谢老师讲解!

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最佳答案 2014-06-23 21:04


not see much of sb (= not see someone often) 《麦克米兰高阶》p1365


If you do not see much of someone, you do not see them very often.

I don't see much of Tony nowadays...  我现在见托尼的次数不多。(最近我和托尼不怎么打照面。)

We won't be seeing much of each other for awhile.    我们会有一段时间不常见面。

Actually, my daughter lives with me, and myex-wife doesn't see much of her. 而其实,我女儿跟我一起住,我的前妻来看她并不多。

而跟地点时, much多指其原意:量,即多少,如果把人看做地点依然如此:

I didn't see much of the world then. 那时我还没怎么见过世面。(看到/明白的东西不多)

I couldn’t see much of her, we were standing too close. 我只看到她身体的一小部分,我们站得太近了。

You can’t see much of a country in a week. 一周时间在一个国家看不了多少地方。

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  • 丁群丽 提出于 2014-06-23 16:27
