It is the last time后面从句用什么时态?

It is the last time后面接的that从句通常用什么时态?用现在完成时还是用一般现在时?我看到的句子是用一般现在时。如:

This is the last time I lend anyone my car.

That’s the last time you show me up in public!

这样的时态用得对吗?记得It is the first time…后面的that从句不是要用现在完成时吗?如:

this is the first time I have got into debt. 这是我首次举债。

This is the first time that I’ve heard her sing. 这是我头一次听她唱歌。

It’s the first time we’ve met in years. 这是我们多年来第一次见面。

请问:It is the last time that…It is the first time that…是同一类句型吗?

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最佳答案 2014-06-12 08:42

This / That / It is the last time that... 和 This / That / It is the + 序数词 + time that... 是不同的句型。在 This / That / It is the last time ... 中,time 后面句子的谓语动词既可以用现在时(一般现在时或现在进行时),也可以用将来时。例如:
This is the last time I pay / I'm paying for you . (或:This is the last time I'll pay for you .) 这是我最后一次为你付钱。(《牛津英语用法指南》第三版第591.2节)

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  • 杨小华   提出于 2014-06-12 07:08
