1 英语:请教这句话中的不定式是做后置定语吗?

Margaery knows of Cersei's part in the plan to have her and Loras arrested.

Margaery 知道 Cersei 在这个计划中扮演的角色(这个计划是:使她和Loras 被捕)

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最佳答案 2016-07-04 17:18



(1) Mary was the first girl to work out the problem.

(2) John said he had an important meeting to attend.

(3) Reading, I think, is the best way to learn English.


第一句 the first girl和to work out the problem 是“主谓关系”。

第二句 to attend和逻辑主语 an important meeting,是“动宾关系”。

第三句 to learn English 和the way 是一种“同位或描述关系”。不定式表示the way 的具体内容。


I’ve got an appointment to see Ms Edwards at two o’clock. 我与爱德华在2点钟有约会。

Her anxiety to go was obvious. 她亟于想去是很明显的。

The storm discouraged his attempt to sail. 暴风雨打消了他扬帆航行的念头。

He lacks the courage to speak the truth. 他缺乏说实话的勇气。

I had not enough confidence to go ahead. 我没有足够的信心干。

Many people feel a great curiosity to find out about their antecedents. 许多人对了解自己祖先的情况非常好奇。

His decision to retire surprised all of us. 他决定退休使我们大家为之一惊。

He has an innate desire to win. 他天生有一种求胜的欲望。

Many countries are making a strong effort to reduce pollution. 许多国家在下大力气减少污染。

His failure to react quickly enough caused the crash. 他由于反应不够迅速而导致了撞车。

He enjoyed complete freedom to do as he wished. 他享有完全按照自己的意愿行事的自由。

I had the luck to find him at home. 我很幸运,找他时他正在家。

He gave the order to start the attack. 他发出了开始进攻的命令。

He doesn’t have the patience to wait. 他没有耐心等待。

We have her permission to use her car. 她允许我们用她的车。

Have you a permit to fish in this lake? 你有在这座湖里垂钓的许可证吗?

As a manager, she has the power to hire and fire employees. 作为经理,她有权聘用和解雇雇员。

Her refusal to help surprised us. 她拒绝帮助使我们感到很吃惊。

I hardly had the strength to take my clothes off. 我几乎连脱衣服的劲儿都没有了。

A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。

They did not show much willingness to help. 他们没表现出太多帮助的意愿。

His wish to become a football star has come true. 他想当足球明星的愿望实现了。



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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

Margaery knows of Cersei's part in the plan to have her and Loras arrested.

Margaery 知道 Cersei 在这个计划中扮演的角色(这个计划是:使她和Loras 被捕)





She is the first girl to come here.


They have much work to do every day.


They got an order to attach the city.


Tom has a way to solve the problem.


They have no pens to write with.


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