
如果撇开意思上的区别(not 表示“不”,never 表示“永不”),请问:用作副词的 not never 在用法上有哪些区别?

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最佳答案 2014-05-21 13:58

撇开意思上的区别(not 表示“不”,never 表示“永不”),用作副词 not与 never 在用法上至少有下列区别:
一、not 有缩略式,never没有。例如:
isn't = is not
didn't = did not
haven't = have not
二、not 可以放在动词不定式、分词前面,never不能。例如:
tell sb. not to do sth.
please not do sth.
三、not 不能放在句子开头构成祈使句,never 则可以。例如:
Never judge from appearance.
四、not 可以用来代替一个否定结构的从句或谓语,never没有此用法。例如:
“Will it rain today?”“I hope not.(= I hope it won't rain. )”
I am to get a royalty but not ( = I won't get it ) until it gets into its second thousand.
五、在很多短语中, not 和 never 都不能直接互换。例如:
as likely as not 或许
not a 一个没有......,没(花)
not at all 完全不,一点不,不用谢
not ...but ... 不是......,而是......
not but what 尽管,但
not for the world 怎样也不能,无论如何也不 
not know which way to turn [jump] 不知该怎么办 
not only ... but (also)不仅......,而且
not that 我并不是说,尽管我并不 
not to say 甚至,或许 
not to speak of [mention] 还不说,此外还有[是],而且还
better late than never 晚来也比不来强,晚做也比不做强
it never rains but it pours 祸不单行,坏事总是接踵而来
never mind 没关系,不要紧,不用管,不用费事
never say die 不要泄气,不要沮丧,要继续干
well, I never 没(听)见过这样的事,真没想到

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其它 1 个回答



I promise never to smoke again. 我保证再也不抽烟了。(摘自《牛津英语用法指南》

You seem never to think of yourself. 你似乎从不为自己着想。(摘自《张道真英语用法》)

She left home, never to return / never to be seen again. 她离开了家,再没回来 / 人们再没见到她。(摘自《朗文英语语法》

I soon learnt not to / never to swim near coral reefs. 我很快就知道不可 / 决不可在珊瑚礁附近游泳。(摘自《朗文英语语法》

I sat at the back, never daring to speak. 我坐在后面,从不敢吭声。(摘自《张道真英语语法》

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