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最佳答案 2014-05-10 08:34


We like to stay at small rural inns. 我们想住乡村小客栈。

They put up at an inn for the night. 他们在一家小客栈里过夜。

There is an air of romance about the old inn. 这家老客栈颇有些浪漫气氛。

Hotels have taken the place of old inns. 旅馆已代替了旧的客栈。

另外还有:tavern, alehouse, hostel等。如:

he took lodgings at a tavern in Muswell Street. 他在慕思维尔街的客栈租了间房。

my master lived on trust at an alehouse. 我家主人住在一家客栈里靠赊账度日。

another gang fired a pistol through the window of a hostel. 另一帮人朝一家客栈的窗户里打了一手枪。


We arrived at the hotel late. 我们很晚才到旅馆。

We found the hotel without any bother. 我们毫不费力就找到了旅馆。

The hotel has a varied programme of nightly entertainment. 宾馆有各种晚间娱乐活动。

There is a safety deposit box in every room of the hotel. 旅馆的每个房间都有保险箱。

We’re staying in a two-star hotel in the centre of the city. 我们住在市中心一家二星级宾馆里。

We dropped our bags off at the hotel and went straight out. 我们把包放在旅馆里就直接出去了。

It was a luxury hotel with its own swimming pool and restaurant. 那是一家设有泳池和餐厅的豪华酒店。

This exquisite little hotel seemed to belong to a different age. 这家别致的小旅馆好像属于另一个时代。

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  • 1 收藏,3390 浏览
  • 易志天   提出于 2014-05-07 09:56
