
性别: 注册于 2021-04-01

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pretend 用法疑问

pretend的基本意思是“伪装”“假装”,强调明显地表露出是假的。多用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,还可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。词语搭配(常用):~+名词pretend a headache 假装头痛pretend deafness 装聋作哑pretend ignorance 装作无知pretend illness 装病pretend indifference 装...

回答于 2022-06-19 09:47

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Much though 引导让步状语从句

much as/though = although: Much though he would like to, Mr Kohl can neither silence Mr Stoiber nor ignore him. Much though people now blame deregulation, flawed regulation was more of a problem.---- ECONOMIST

回答于 2022-06-18 23:04

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介词“of” 的 “表示...中最突出的” 的用法,如:the hero of heroes最杰出的英雄,in one's heart of hearts在内心深处, the most pleasant (one/ job)of jobs。

回答于 2022-06-18 12:09

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虚拟语气语法:= would ratherI’d sooner you didn’t do anything about it for the time being. (现在)I’d rather she hadn’t done that. (过去)

回答于 2022-05-10 01:29

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1)法语,读法语音就好,不必纠结;2)all a bit...= a bit too未免(definitely but regrettably)New pipelines, ports and storage are now being built, but it is all a bit late.—ECONOMIST"We're all a bit odd...all a bit eccentric one might say," Dickinson says, attempting to explain the group's longevity.—...

回答于 2022-05-10 01:02

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dispense,disuse, dismissz比较

搭配问题,dispense with sb./sth. (摒弃,不再需要,不再用)

回答于 2022-05-06 17:04

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living, live, alive的区别

I caught a fish alive.(在活的状态下)alive其反义词为dead,指生命从奄奄一息到精力旺盛的各种状态。I caught a living fish. (活着的,有生命的,在活的状态下,活动的)living其反义词为dead,指包括人和动植物的生命没有消失、仍然存在的状态。I caught a live fish.(活生生的)live通常作定语,指活生生的,生气勃勃的...

回答于 2022-05-01 17:02

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living, live, alive的区别

I caught a fish alive.(在活的状态下)alive其反义词为dead,指生命从奄奄一息到精力旺盛的各种状态。I caught a living fish. (活着的,有生命的,在活的状态下,活动的)living其反义词为dead,指包括人和动植物的生命没有消失、仍然存在的状态。I caught a live fish.(活生生的)live通常作定语,指活生生的,生气勃勃的...

回答于 2022-05-01 17:02

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The manager interviewed Jim himself in the morning.

The manager interviewed Jim himself in the morning. himself说的是the manager本人,亲自 (interviewed Jim)如果说the manager interviewed Jim本人 (而不是别人),这个逻辑上说不通。(有见过interview一个应聘者替身的么?)

回答于 2022-04-30 22:52

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Pharmaceutical companies are pursuing trials of drugs that m...


回答于 2022-04-29 19:55