沅老师 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2014-06-04


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当一个名词后面接有定语从句修饰语时,这个名词可以用冠词、不定冠词、零冠词。其区别是:▲若被定语从句修饰的名词为特指,则用定冠词(名词可以是单数或复数)。如:This is the photo which I took. 这就是我拍的照片。Is he the man that [who] sells dogs? 他就是卖狗的人吗? This is the book which you asked for. 这...

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21 赞同

sell sth 后接介词at与for的区别

你的两个句子的区别是:一错一对。即:误:He sold his piano at 260 dollars.正:He sold the house for a lot of money.sell sth 后接介词at与for的区别是:at表示售价,for表示金额。比较:He sold his old car at a low price. 他低价卖掉了他的旧汽车。Eggs sell at sixty cents a dozen. 鸡蛋售价为每打6毛。He sold...

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6 赞同

以 -ist 结尾的形容词有哪些

比如下面一些:alarmist adj. 危言耸听的Calvinist adj. 加尔文主义的 Buddhist adj. 佛教的capitalist adj.资本主义的colonialist adj. 殖民主义者的communist adj. 共产主义的,共产党的counter-terrorist adj.反恐怖主义的defeatist adj. 失败论者的,失败主义者的extremist adj. 极端主义者的,过激分子的Marxist...

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25 赞同


名词性物主代词用作主语尤其见于以下两种情况:▲一是名词性物主代词所包含的名词概念在在特定的语境中已有体现。如:Yours is too old. 你的太旧了。Ours are on the desk. 我们的东西在书桌上。Yours is twice as large as mine. 你的是我的两倍大。My parents are poor and so are hers. 我的父母很穷,她的父母也一样。▲...

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5 赞同

单独用do very much可以吗

句子的前半部分没问题,但后半部分是错误的。正:Thank you very much. 误:You have done very much for us.因为 very much 用作副词时可以用于肯定句(当然也可用于否定句和疑问句),但用作代词或限定词时,它只用于非肯定句。而网友的这个句子是个肯定句,其中的 very much 是用作代词,所以错误。若仅从语法上考...

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21 赞同

one of the...后面的形容词可以用原级吗

在没有上下文的情况下,两个答案都可以。1. one of the + 原级形容词 + 名词She is one of the greatest screen performers. 她是影视巨星之一。General is one of the highest ranks in the army. 将军是军队里最高的军衔之一。The atomic is one of the world’s most modern weapons. 原子弹是世界最现代化的武器之一。Be...

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求Boxing Day (节礼日)的英语短文

下面这篇短文是关于Boxing Day (节礼日) 的,不知是否是你需要的:People all know that December 25th is the Christmas Day for Americans and other westerners. Yet not all the people know Boxing Day. Boxing Day is a holiday observed on December 26, or the first weekday after Christmas. And it is a festiva...

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I don’t know. 的奇怪用法(2012重庆卷)

▲根据《朗文高级英语词典》,I don't know有以下几种用法:1. used to say that you do not have the answer to a question 我不知道,我不清楚(表示不知道问题的答案):“When did they arrive?” “I don't know.” “他们是什么时候到的?”“我不知道。”2. used when you are not sure about something 我不清楚,我...

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■你的句子中的 isolated 为过去分词转化来的形容词,意思是“孤单的,孤独的”;另外,它还可表示“(建筑物、村庄等)孤零零的,偏僻的”。isolated 用作形容词的用法再如:I felt very isolated in my new job. 我在新的工作岗位上觉得很孤立。Many older people feel cut off and isolated. 许多老人感到与世隔绝,非常...

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36 赞同

be there for sb是固定搭配吗

没错,be there for sb 是一个固定搭配,意思是“帮助某人”“支持某人”“安慰某人”“和某人站在一起”等(尤指在困难时提供帮助或支持等)。《柯林斯高级英语学习词典》对此的解释是:If someone is there for you, they help and support you, especially when you have problems. 例如:You know I’ll always be there for you...

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