沅老师 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2014-06-04


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and surrounded by my family的句子成分(译林版模块六-U2)

句中的过去分词短语 surrounded by my family 是用作宾语补足语(这不被动语态)。句子谓语是 see;动词see的宾语 myself;这个宾语 myself 后面有两个补足语,一个是形容词短语 successful in my job,另一个是过去分词短语 surrounded by my family。

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it 与 itself 的用法区别难点

本题答案应填反身代词 itself。这个句子是根据2011年高考英语安徽卷中的一道选择题改编来的。安徽卷的原句是:Surprisingly, Susan’s beautiful hair reached below her knees and made itself almost an overcoat for her. 令人惊讶的是,苏珊的秀发一直垂到了她的膝盖之下,几乎就像给她披上了一件外套。当年许多考生误用...

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find happiness in being/for being/to be(译林版模块六-U2)

▲查了一下这一句的上下文,是这样的:I will also be happy because I will be an adult then. It’s hard to focus on being happy when you are a teenager! We have to work so hard at school, and when we try to take time to relax, there is always someone telling us things we should be doing or learning. In t...

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many more, many fewer 的用法疑问

1. many moremany more 的用法是没有不争议的。如:This car’s good for many more miles. 这辆汽车还能行驶很多英里。I know many more people who’d like to come. 我知道还有很多人想来。Many more people died in the aftermath of the explosion.  更多的人死于爆炸后的一段时间里。2. many fewermany fewer 的用...

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see sb doing sth与see sb having done sth的用法问题

▲英语可以说 see sb doing sth,表示看见某人正在做某事。如:I saw a girl riding a horse. 我看见一个骑马的女孩。I saw him at the bar ordering a beer. 我看见他在酒吧点啤酒。I saw a man making his way towards me. 我看到一名男子向我走来。We saw three birds circling very high up. 我们看到3只鸟在高空盘旋。▲...

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在英语中,see sb doing sth的用法很常见,但 see doing sth 的用法很少见,除非用于某些特殊的句型,比如用于 see…as…(把……看作……)。如:She saw being a doctor as her purpose in life. 她将从医作为自己的人生目标。She saw his leaving the company as an admission of failure. 她认为他离开公司就是承认失败。Some...

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be ill可与次数连用吗

▲你的句子完全正确!be ill 完全可以用于现在完成时(has been ill)与表示次数的状语连用。比如下面这句摘自《张道真英语用法》(商务印书馆国际有限公司)的493 illness – sickness – disease词条:He has been sick several times today. 他今天有几次想吐。▲类似例句如:Jane's been unfaithful to Jim three ti...

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30 赞同

on Sunday与on Sundays的区别

同意刘老师的看法,这两个句子意思基本一样。但这并不意味着 on Sundays 与 on Sunday 没有区别。单数形式的 on Sunday 既可以表示特定的某个星期天,也可以表示经常性的在星期天;而复数形式的 on Sundays,则只表示经常性的在星期天,而不表示特定的某个星期天。如:The rebel army attacked on Sunday. 周日叛军发起攻击...

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23 赞同

signature 与 autograph(签名)的区别

signature 与 autograph 都表示“签名”,区别如下:1. signature指对文件或信件等的签名。如:Can you read this signature? 你认识这个签名吗?The document bore his signature. 这份文件有他的签字。They returned her cheque because she hadn’t put her signature on it. 他们把支票退给了她,因为她没有在支票上签名。2...

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all not与not all的辨析

我与刘老师的看法稍有不同,我觉得英语更常用的是第1句,而不是2句。Not all Americans like hamburgers. 不是所有美国人都喜欢汉堡包。比如《柯林斯高级英语用法词典》就认为:否定句不能用以 all 引导的名词词组作主语。例如,不能说:All the children are not noisy. 而要用 none 或 not all,但这两个词的语义不同。No...

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