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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2014-06-04


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在进行英汉翻译时,我们往往会根据汉语表达的需要使用多种翻译技巧,而词类转换法便是英汉翻译中经常使用的方法之一。通过转换词类有时会使所翻译的句子会变得自然、通顺。除你归纳的情形外,下面再举几例:It’s a little early for lunch. 吃午饭还早了点儿。How much did you pay for that book? 你买那本书花了多少钱?M...

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完全可以用将来时态。我们下个月有20天的假期。We’ve (got) 20 days off next month.We’ll have 20 days off next month.We’ve (got) a 20-day holiday next month.We’ll have a 20-day holiday next month.

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这个 like 的用法与你的理解是一致的,它是用作连词,表示“好像”“似乎”。但要说明一下,这个句子是一个省略句,在其前省略了 it looks。又如:(It looks) Like it’s going to rain. 天好像要下雨了。(It looks) Like the weather is changing for the worse. 看来天气变得更糟了。(It looks) Like the director ran out of...

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▲way 后面确实可以接介词 of 或 to,但用法不同:下面句子中的 to 是表示“通向”“通往”:Rivers find their way to the sea. 江河径自流入海洋。Is this the right way to the zoo? 去动物园是走这条路吗?She asked him the way to the station. 她向他询问去车站的路。A man pushed his way to the front of the crowd. 一...

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这位网友理解错了,这里的 mind 不是动词,注意它的前面有 been,很显然这里的 minded 是形容词,be minded to do sth 是习语,意思是 to want or intend to do something,即表示“ 想要(有意)做某事”。又如:She was minded to accept their offer. 她有意接受他们的提议。He was minded to reject the application. 他...

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drum 算是乐器名词吗

drum 也是一种乐器。表示演奏性的“打鼓”,通常用动词 play(虽然也可以用beat, bang,但不普通)。与 play the piano 的用不同,表示“打鼓”时,drum 还可以用复数。如:He is learning how to play the drums. 他在学打鼓。He plays the drums in a band. 他在一个乐队打鼓。I thought my hearing was shagged because I pl...

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It looks as if…与It looks that…句式的互换问题

等式不成立,因为英语习惯上不说 It looks that...。此类句式既可用 as if 也可用 that 的只有两个动词——seem 和 appear。It seems as if he is ill.=It seems that he is ill.It appears as if it's going to rain.=It appears that it's going to rain.

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place后接不定式做定语时,若不定式为“不及物动词+介词”的形式,则这个介词可以省略(不是必须省略)。如:We need a place to live (in). 我们需要有个地方住。(《牛津英语用法指南》)She has no place to go (to). 她没有地方好去。(《牛津英语用法指南》)He had to find a place to live (in). 他得找一个地方住。(...

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▲你的意思不是还原吧,应该是分拆开两个句子,看看 to which 是由什么变来的,对不对?▲如果把该句拆开成两句可以是:It underlines the degree and to some degree the country's Red Sea tourist industry is vulnerable to reprisals.句中的 to some degree 意思是“在一定程度上”。拆开后两个句子的意思:它强调了这...

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这个by far为什么不与现在完成时连用

你在哪里见过 by far 要与现在完成时连用? 你是搞混了吧!你看到的可能是 so far 通常与现在完成时连用。比较:▲by far 的用法 用于强调,意为“……得多”“最最……”“显然”等,主要用法有:1. 修饰比较级,通常置于比较级之后。如:It is quicker by far to go by train. 乘火车要快得多。Goddard’s first film was better...

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