沅老师 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2014-06-04


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你的句子是对的。这是一种非正式的口语表达。根据《牛津英语用法指南》:在通常情况下,在同一个分句中,通常不用人称代词来重复主语。如:正:My car is parked outside. 我的车停在外面。误:My car it is parked outside.在很不正式的口语中有一些例外。如:He’s not a bad bloke, Jeff. 杰夫,他不是坏人。It’s a horri...

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as from与from的用法区别

‍as from 与 from 的区别是:1.  as from 只用于表示时间或日期,即指事物开始的时间或日期。如:We shall have a new address as from18 May. 我们自5月18日起将用新地址。As from today, you are in charge of the office. 从今天起,本办公室由你负责。I’ve decided to give up smoking as from tomorrow...

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比较常见的有以下一些吧:1. acknowledgeThey acknowledged themselves defeated. 他们承认自己被击败。2. considerEveryone considered it greatly improved. 大家都认为它有大改进。3. declareI declare Alvin Schiff elected. 我宣布阿尔文•席夫当选。4. feelI felt myself called upon to do something to help. 我感到...

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▲这是一个有趣的问题,stick 刚好具备你说的两种用法。下面的内容摘自《新牛津英汉双解大词典》的 stick 词条(词义及例句均出自该词典):1. be or become fixed or jammed in one place as a result of an obstruction 卡住;陷住 He drove into a bog, where his wheels stuck fast. 他把车开进了沼泽,轮子牢牢地陷在了...

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critical to与critical for的用法区别

‍表示“对……极为重要”,critical 后通常接介词 to 和 for 均可以,但以用介词 to 较为普通。如:‍1. 用 to 的例子‍Winning the award is critical to our success. 获得这一奖项对我们的成功起着决定性的作用。These talks are critical to the future of the peace process. 这些谈话对和平进程的...

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如何分析go to bed doing sth中的现在分词

‍句中的现在分词短语 complaining of a pain in the forehead 用作状语,表示伴随。类似的用法如:She goes around complaining about her job. 她到处抱怨她的工作。An old woman came in complaining that we’d charged her too much. 有个的老太太进来抱怨说我们收费太昂贵。Ben rushed to his father, crowing with ple...

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‍▲reject 为及物动词,它通常只接名词或代词作宾语。如:He urged the committee to reject the plans. 他敦促委员会否决这些计划。He rudely rejected her kind offer of help. 他粗鲁地拒绝了她好心提出的帮助。Not surprisingly, the Council rejected the suggestion. 毫不奇怪,理事会拒绝接受建议。I made it clear t...

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not…but…, not…or…, not…nor…是成对并列连词吗

both…and…, not only…but also…, either…or…, neither…nor…可以叫成对并列连词,但 not…but…, not…or…, not…nor…不宜说成是成对并列连词。其实它们就是并列连词 but, or, nor 的否定形式:1. not…but…的意思是“不是……而是……”(否定一个,肯定一个)。如:He’s not an officer, but a common soldier. 他不是军官而是普通士...

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虽然你给出的回答也是对的,但原题用 neither 作答也不错。虽然,回答一般疑问句通常都用 yes, no 来,但这并不绝对,这里用 neither 可以看作是 No, neither of them likes pop music. 的省略形式。

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