沅老师 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2014-06-04


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read Tolstoy in the original有所省略吗

网友的句子可视为在 read 后面省略了 works by,即:I want to read works by Tolstoy in the original. 我想读托尔斯泰的原著。又如:I have only read Tolstoy in translation.  我只读过托尔斯泰作品的译本。

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behind of是什么意思

Memories lie behind of all that has happened.▲句中的 behind of 并不构成搭配,它们只是碰巧用在了一起。句中的of all that has happened 其实是修饰 memories 的,即:Memories lie behind of all that has happened.=Memories of all that has happened lie behind.Memories of all that has happened 的意思是:对已...

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英语小说《坟场之书》中比较句疑问(the only place colder was.....

the only place colder was Caledonia to the North 的字面意思是:唯一更冷的地方是北边的爱尔兰。其中的比较级 colder 是作定语修饰 place 的,本来应该放在名词 place 前面,但为了强调就后置了,相当于一个省略的定语从句(that is colder)。其实这个 colder 后还暗示省略了一个than短语(than this place),即句子的实...

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说a large block of meat对吗

你的老师是对的。这里的block 确实用得不对,应改为 piece。因为 block 表示“(大)块”时,通常是指带有直边(straight-sided)或比较硬的材料(hard material)构成的“块”,如木块、石块等。而汉语中的“一块面包”“一块肉”等,不宜用block(可用 piece, slice 等)。例如:A block of wood fell on his foot. 一大块木头砸在他脚...

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in, at, on, for的用法区别

practise sth on sb 是固定搭配,意思是“跟着某人练习……”。又如:Can I practise my French on you? 我可以跟你练习法语吗?Everybody wants to practise their English on me. 大伙儿都想跟我练习英语。

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idea of doing sth与idea to do sth的用法探讨

▲原则上说,人们会说 the idea of doing sth,一般不说 the idea to do sth。如:The idea of going to his rescue amused her. 她一想到要去解救他就觉得想笑。The idea of eating raw shellfish nauseates me. 我一想到吃生贝就恶心。The idea of retiring early really appeals to me. 提前退休这个想法,我很感兴趣。Th...

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▲《剑桥高级英语词典》对这两个词的解释是这样的:1. beast: an animal, especially a large or wild one (尤指大型或野生的)动物;野兽2. quadruped: any animal that has four legs(四足动物)▲相关例句:1. beast: an animal, especially a large or wild one (尤指大型或野生的)动物;野兽Savage beasts once roam...

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each other与one another的区别

原来认为 one another 用于三者或三者以上,而用于两者须用 each other。但在现代英语中,两者常可换用。如:Students should help one another [each other]. 学生应该互相帮助。It is important that we should be fair with one another [each other]. 我们相互之间应该公平对待,这一点很重要。Those two are always co...

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1. 你提到的Japanese 和 the British 是专有名词,但 Englishman 是普通名词。2. 表示星期的名词,如Monday, Tuesday 等是专有名词,但表示季节的 spring, summer 等不是专有名词——这没什么道理可讲,记住就行了。3. 注意:专有名词和普通名词有时是可以转化的,如:Mary is my sister. (Mary为专有名词)There are two Ma...

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