沅老师 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2014-06-04


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为便于理解,我们把问题简单化一下,请看下面一道试题:He is a famous writer, most of _____ books are popular.A. his       B. whose       D. those        D. these此题最佳答案为B,但很容易误选A。假若单独看He i...

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答案选 What's up? What's up? 是口语惯用语,相当于 what’s doing? What is happening? What is planned? What is wrong? What's the matter? 等。意思是“发生了什么事”“准备干什么”“有什么事吗”“怎么啦”“出什么问题啦”等。如:You seem rather quiet today. What's up? 你今天好像很沉默,出了什么...

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Participating in pre-training assessment helps you learn about which modules you should focus on. 参与训前评估有助于您了解自己应当主要学习哪些模块。句子成分分析:动名词短语Participating in pre-training assessment作主语;helps为谓语动词,you为helps的宾语,省略to的不定式短语learn about which modu...

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have 表示“有”时,不用于完成时态;但表示除此之外的其他意思时,是可以用于完成时态的。如:He has had his hair cut. 他理发了。She has had a very rough time. 他经历过艰苦的生活。She has had two difficult childbirths. 她两次生孩子都难产。He has had a raw deal. 他受到了不公平的待遇。He has had several hemo...

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可以填 what。(1) A: What festival do you like best? 你最喜欢什么节日?     B: I like Chinese New Year best. 我最喜欢中国新年。(2) A: What do people do at Christmas? 人们圣诞节做什么?     B: They give presents and send cards at Christmas. 他们在圣诞节赠送礼物和寄送贺卡...

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The boy was cheered by the hope that he might see his mother soon.我认为这个句子是正确的。你认为句子不正确的理由是:might无论作为“可能”或“可以”,一般来说,只有在间接引语和某些表示目的,让步的从句中,才用作may的过去式,除此以外,might就绝不是may的过去式!你不大同意我的观点。关于这个问题,如果只是我说...

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It is so kind of sb to do sth 可以转成 sb 作主语吗

可以。如下面两句摘自《张道真英语语法》第639页:You are so kind to help us.=It’s so kind of you to help us. 你帮助我们太好了。更多分析可参考:http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-23997.html http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-5420.html 

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是的,句中的 now 仍是副词,虽然可以翻译成“现在”,但其实是指“当时”。very soon now 意思是“在现在看来很快”(在过去语境中,表示“在当时看来很快”,尽管有时也翻译成“现在”)。如:I think he’ll be out of hospital very soon now. 我想他很快就出院了。We should touch down very soon now. 不久我们就要着陆了。

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recommend sb not do sth与recommend sb not to do sth

▲若填 not allow,则 recommend 后接的是宾语从句——从句谓语用的是虚拟语气,省略了连词 that 和虚拟语气中 should,即:Teachers recommend parents not allow their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.= Teachers recommend that parents should not allow their children under 12 to ride bicyc...

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Hamlet enjoyed making fun of Polonius.句中的 make 不是系动词,是实义动词。有关 make 用作系动词的用法,请参考英语语法网的以下文章:http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201511/4466.html 

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