沅老师 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2014-06-04


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1. 表示道歉的客套用语I must apologize. 我必须道歉。I must apologize about that. 我的确要为此向你道歉。I must apologize for what I said. 我必须对我说的话表示歉意。I beg your pardon. 请你原谅。I’m very sorry for that. 我为此非常抱歉。Please forgive me, I really didn’t mean that. 请原谅,我真的不是那个...

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最常见的有以下几类:1. Look who…Look who’s just blown in! 看, 谁来了!Look who’s just breezed in! 看,一阵风把谁刮来啦!Well, what do you know? Look who’s here! 哟,真想不到,你看谁来啦! 2. Look what…Look what I’ve found. 看我发现了什么。Look what Denise has given me for Christmas! 看丹尼斯送我什...

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定语从句中the one与the one what的区别

为使问题简化,可把句子还原为陈述句如下:This college is _____ they went to last year.A.that       B.which       C.the one      D.the one what这样就很明显是选 the one 了——the one 是先行词,其后的关系代词that/which由于是用作宾语(用作代词 to 的宾语),被省...

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比较常见的有 after, before, since, till, until 等。如:After lunch it began to rain. 午饭后开始下雨了。(after 为介词) After you finish the letter show it to me.信写完后给我看看。(after 为连词) You must come home before dark. 你必须在天黑前回家。(before 为介词) I always bathe before I go to bed. 我...

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unit 的意思与翻译

关于 unit 表示“单位”时的理解可参考英语语法网的以下文章:http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201410/3731.html The result will be less effective than would be achieved by a teacher in harmony with the unit. 句子中的 unit 可套用词典上的以下解释 a group of people working together as part of...

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表示“原认为”用thought还是had thought

你的句子完全正确,当然用 had thought 也一样正确。针对过去情况,表示“原以为”“本来以为”之类的意思时,thought 用一般过去时或用过去完成时都可以。如:1. 用一般过去时的例句I thought I might finish early today, but I had no such luck. 我原以为今天也许能早点干完,可是没那么走运。We thought we might go abroa...

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all parents的说法对吗

这不能一概而论,要分情况来看。▲如果是指某人的父母,即仅指两个人,那不能用 all parents,而要用 both parents。如:He lost both parents when he was a child. 他小时候,父母就都去世了。I understand from him that you have lost both parents. 我从他那儿了解到你已没有了父母。▲如果不是指某人的父母(即不是指两...

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there / to there(介词to的省略与保留问题)

我完全同意前面两位老师对句子的改写:How far is our city from there?How far is it from our city? 但是,仅就网友的这个句子来说,如果对它进行分析,我觉得句子有错,且改正的办法是在 there 前面加上介词 to:How far is it from our city to there? (这个to不能省略,否则意思不明确)虽然我没有在词典上查到 to ther...

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like this 前面不可以用复数名词吗

你的答案完全正确,应该给分。尽管本句可以用单数,但用复数也完全正确!like this 前面用复数名词的用法太普通了。如:Jobs like this don't come along very often! 像这样的工作并不常有!Violins like this don’t come cheap. 像这样的小提琴不会便宜。Matters like this are best discussed in private. 这种事情...

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This main focus of this craze in the media was the parents trying to purchase this item for their children, leading to numerous fights and riots between customers when supplies ran low.▲从形式上看,划线部分有两种理解:一是按你的理解,将其分析为动名词的复合结构;二是将 trying…分析为现在分词短语作定语...

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