沅老师 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2014-06-04


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比较常见的有:above, about, across, along, before, behind, below, besides, by, down, in, near, off, on, over, past, round, since, through, under, up 等。比较:Put your hat on. 把帽子戴上。(on为副词) Let’s sit on the grass. 咱们坐在草地上吧。(on为介词) Don’t knock the vase over. 别把花瓶碰倒了。(over...

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▲对于你的问题,其实只要弄清什么是非断定结构可以了,除了非断定结构,其余的就都是断定结构了。简单地说,否定结构和疑问句就是最典型的非断定结构——与非断定结构相关的重要概念是非断定词,比如 any, ever 等。如:This sentence doesn’t make any sense. 这个句子完全讲不通。No one has ever heard of it before. 以前...

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如何理解I’m ready when you are(不太好翻译)

I’m ready when you are 是口语惯用语,意思是“我已准备好了,就等你了”,有时也可省略I’m 而只说 Ready when you are。如:A: Are you ready to pull out? 准备好出发了吗?B: I’m ready when you are, Captain. 就等你了,船长。A: When would you like me to begin? 你想要我什么时候开始?B: Ready when you are. 我已经...

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作为考题,选 D 无疑是“最对”的:若选 A,应有连字符,即用 a four-hour walk;若选 B,hour 应用复数,因为其前有 four 修饰,即用 a four hours’ walk;若选 C,hours 应用单数,因为带连字符的复合形容词不能用复数,即用a four-hour walk。补充说明一下,在现代英语中,a four-hour walk 之类的表达不用连字符的已很普...

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(1) The weather ______ awful this week. It didn't stop ______ until last night.A. has been; raining      B. was; raining答案是:A. 可我反复研究体会,查询资料,都搞不清为什么不能选B呢?答:本题两个选项的区别只在第一空,第二空均为 raining,不存在区别问题。第一空选A为现在完...

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虽然在手头的词典上没有查到相关例句,但根据 justified 的释义来看,网友的句应该是可以用的。It is justified for him to sell the house.It is justified that he should sell the house.英语词典对 justified 的解释是 having a good reason for doing sth。所以网友的句子其实可以解释为:It has a good rea...

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长难句分析:​His function is analogous to that of a...

原句:His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a manner as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision.分析:1. 句子结构分析His function is analogous to that of a judge 是句子主语,其后的 who must accept the oblig...

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你的问题没法回答!为什么无法回答,这就好比下面的问题也无法回答一样:名词的复数为什么是加-s或-es?而不是加其他任何字母?现在完成时为什么由 have / has 后接过去分词构成,而不是现在分词?表示“书”的单词为什么是 book,而不是 boooook?……温馨提示:有些语法规律,只要记住即可,问太多的为什么对学习没有帮助!

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网友的表达都是可能的:1. children under five (正)相关词典例句:Nearly half of mothers with children under five have a job. 孩子不满5岁的妈妈中近一半有工作。(柯林斯词典)2. children under five years (正)相关词典例句:Children under two years are exempt. 两岁以下儿童免票。(柯林斯词典)3. children under fi...

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get this company run / running(现在分词还是过去分词)

Always keep in mind that your main task is to get this company____(run) smoothly.答案确实应填 running。1. 我用过去分词run可以么?run 和前面的宾语 company 是动宾关系吧,公司应该是被运营吧,为什么答案选 running 呢?答:从理论上说,get this company 后面接现在分词 running 和过去分词 run 都可以,但就本题...

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