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▲个人觉得 happy day 前用不定冠词比较好(a happy day),与“美好的一天”比较对应。▲至于 Shuangjiu,作为一个品牌,其前不宜用冠词。类似的如“奇瑞”(Chery)、“九阳”(Joyoung)、“美的”(Midea)等也都不用冠词。如下面一句摘自《中国日报》:Manufacturers of soybean milk machines, including Joyoung and Midea, ar...

回答于 2014-08-07 18:22

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Bathe the wound twice a day. 伤口每天洗两次。We drink tea twice a day. 我们每天喝两次茶。How much a meter is this cloth? 这块布每米多少钱?Take two tablets four times a day. 每天四次,每次服两片。It cost two shillings a pound. 这东西每磅两先令。The car does 55miles per gallon.  这辆车每加...

回答于 2014-08-07 15:28

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abacus 通常与哪些动词搭配

查《朗文实用英语词语搭配词典》,汉语的“打算盘”在英语中有以下三个搭配:‍use an abacus 打算盘‍work an abacus 打算盘‍‍operate an abacus 打算盘‍‍‍注意,不能想当然地按汉语意思说 beat an abacus。‍‍‍

回答于 2014-08-07 15:17

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fool enough与feel fool

fool 用作形容词的用法(词典上仍标注为名词,但有的语法学家将其理解为具有形容词性质)非常有限,事实上只用于 fool enough to do sth 这一结构中。如:I was fool enough to trust her. 我居然傻到去相信她。He’s fool enough to think she still loves him. 他真够傻的,认为她还爱他。He was fool enough to go out...

回答于 2014-08-06 12:45

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此处之所以要填形容词homeless,是因为此处的真正结构是leave sb homeless(使某人处于无家可归的状态),由于句中为被动式,故导致了left与homeless用在一起。换句话说,句中的homeless其实是补语(在leave sb homeless中是宾补,在其被动式中是主补)。Thousands of people were killed and many more (were) left homele...

回答于 2014-08-06 12:38

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rotate, revolve, roll, spin, t

rotate, revolve, roll, spin, turn, whirl,circle这几个动词有“转动、旋转”的意思。区别如下:▲rotate 多指物体围绕自己的轴或中心旋转。如:The earth rotates on its axis. 地球绕地轴自转。It is best to allow the rotor to rotatefreely. 最好让转子自由旋转。Each joint can rotate through an angle of90. 每个联轴...

回答于 2014-08-05 07:39

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类似be busy doing sth的形容词

c这样的形容词好像不多。想到以下几个,请各位网友补充: 1. busy doing sth Brad was busy sweeping out the yard. 布拉德忙着扫院子。 She’s busy knitting baby clothes. 她在忙于织婴儿衣服。 They were busy getting the harvestin. 他们正忙着收获。 He’s always busy planning for the fut...

回答于 2014-08-05 07:08

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countryside 前面除通常用定冠词外,有时也用所有格或物主代词。如:China’s countryside looks its best in May and June. 中国的农村在五六月时景色最美。Modernagriculture is spoiling our beautiful countryside. 现代农业将会破坏我们美丽的农村。Developmenthas affected vast swathes of our countryside. 发展影响...

回答于 2014-08-05 06:56

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没错,介词behind 有时表示静态,有时也表示动态,你举的例子均为表示静态。比较disappear behind就是一个比较典型的例子: The moon disappeared behind a cloud. 月亮消失在云后。 The sun disappeared behind the clouds. 太阳躲到云层后面去了。 She gave thetable a quick wipe and disappeared behind the c...

回答于 2014-08-05 00:13

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countable noun还是count noun(可数名词)

查《剑桥高级学习词典》count noun词条:count noun noun [C] (ALSO countable noun)很显然,《剑桥高级学习词典》认为 count noun 也可说成 countable noun。Count nouns are shown in this dictionary with [C]. 在本词典中可数名词用[C]标示。

回答于 2014-08-04 23:53