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分析:主句:He considered this kind of snake more dangerous 比较从句:than any snake he had ever seen.比较项:more dangerous比较对应项:dangerous (被省略),在从句中作宾补。句意:He considered this kind of snake more dangerous than any snake he had ever seen. 他认为这种蛇比他所见过的任何蛇都要危险。

回答于 2024-01-10 22:39

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翻译:We will leave every place a little better than we foun...


回答于 2024-01-08 10:35

2 赞同


What may seem like small messages at the moment add up to big ones over time.你的句子用单数动词肯定没问题,但用复数动词也不是不可以。因为从句中的 messages 为复数,表明 what 也具有复数意义,比较原句可以这样改写:The things that may seem like small messages at the moment add up to big ones over time.

回答于 2023-12-27 15:30

4 赞同


Using these instruments, with which magnification of from 40 to 300 diameters were obtained, he observed minute bodies.1. 句首的现在分词短语 Using these instruments 为方式状语,表示主语“他”做某事的方式,即“他通过使用这些仪器”。2. with which magnification of from 40 to 300 diameters were obtained 是...

回答于 2023-12-27 14:22

3 赞同


I crept up the stairs, trying not to wake my parents.现在分词短语 trying not to wake my parents 为伴随状语,表示在“蹑手蹑脚地上楼梯”的同时“尽量不吵醒父母”。这里的现在分词不能理解为“目的状语”。比较下面的句子,就是目的状语:I crept up the stairs in order not to wake my parents.类似地:He studied hard,...

回答于 2023-12-26 22:19

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“give+名词+to”类型习语(如give way to)

比如:give birth to 生育give credit to 相信give emphasis to 强调give mouth to 说出give permission to 允许give place to 让位于give praise to 赞美give priority to 优先考虑give shape to 表达give shelter to 收留give support to 支持give thought to 考虑give voice to 表露心声give way to 给…让路……

回答于 2023-12-26 01:05

5 赞同

分析:The pool is nearly as wide as it is long.

《剑桥语法》的以下内容是不是也可以作为依据:Counterpart of comparative phrase normally omitted unless distinct比较短语的对应项通常省略,除非有明显的区别

回答于 2023-12-24 13:16

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回答于 2023-12-23 23:01

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waiting list 如何翻译

waiting list 的字面意思就是“等候者名单”,虽然也可以直译,但有时可能需要根据具体语境灵活变通一下。比如:You’re number 7 on the waiting list. 你排在7号。There’s a three-year waiting list for some operations. 有的手术排到了三年后。There’s a long waiting list for eye operations. 等候做眼部手术的名单很长...

回答于 2023-12-21 16:46

2 赞同



回答于 2023-12-14 21:41