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下面是从一本电子书上复制的,不知是否对你有用:A: My name is John Smith. I’d like to make an appointment with Dr Black sometime this week. 我叫约翰. 史密斯,我想在这个星期的某个时候请布莱克医生看病。B: Have you seen the doctor before? 你以前找布莱克医生看过病吗?A: No. This is the first time. 没有,这...

回答于 2024-08-06 10:51

3 赞同


下面的内容摘自外研社翻译出版的《轻松语法》,其中有归纳了副词的句法功能,其中的大部分内容可能对网友都没什么用(因为大家都明白),但该书认为下面一句中的副词 quite 是修饰名词短语(也就是修饰表语),对大家可能有一定的参考价值:It’s quite a problem, isn’t it? 这太成问题了,不是吗?

回答于 2024-08-03 14:38

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回答于 2024-07-27 11:49

3 赞同

ago 可以连用不定式的完成式吗

若语境需要,不定式的完成式完全可以连用 ago。如:Talks were to have begun two weeks ago. 会谈在两周前就该开始了。I seem to have read the book two years ago. 我似乎两年前就读过这本书。The bridge is believed to have been built twenty years ago. 那座桥被认为是在20年前建成的。另外,情态动词后面接完成式时...

回答于 2024-07-22 22:13

2 赞同

请问embroidered和with sth是作什么成分和词性

问题一:例1:There is a handkerchief. It's embroidered with a swan.例2: I sleep in sheets embroidered with roses例1中的embroidered 是非谓语过去分词表示被动,句中的 is embroidered 不宜看作是过去分词作表语(它不是形容词),就是一个被动语态,句中的 with a swan 可以分析为方式状语。例2中的embroidered也是过...

回答于 2024-07-18 07:01

4 赞同


1. Our special report and leader examine why educational attainment there has levelled off, and what can be done about it.本句感觉有不对劲的地方,尤其是 report and leader。2. In a separate briefing, we examine an even graver problem.在没有上下文的情况下,这句中的 examine 用一般过去时、一般现在时或一...

回答于 2024-07-18 06:49

1 赞同


同意你的理解,这里应该是 threw 的误拼。

回答于 2024-07-18 06:42

4 赞同


对于不可数名词,要表示“这些”“那些”,可以一律用 the:The water won’t last long. 这些水维持不了多久。Make sure the bread is quite cool. 得让这些面包凉透了。Handle the fruit carefully or it will bruise. 这些水果要小心搬运,不然会碰伤。如果要用 these, those,则可以考虑用相应(即同义)的可数名词,比如我...

回答于 2024-07-18 06:38

3 赞同


whether...or...引导的不是主语从句,而是状语从句,原句变成陈述句是:Comprehension is the same whether a person reads a text onscreen or on paper.一个人在屏幕上阅读文本或是在纸上阅读文本的理解是一样的。句子的主语是 Comprehension。不过,whether...or... 是可以引导主语从句的。如:Whether they win or lose...

回答于 2024-07-14 07:59

2 赞同

because of…可以用于强调句吗

网友的改写完全正确,换句话 because of… 完全可以被强调:He didn’t come because of his illness.It was because of his illness that he didn’t come.又如:It was because of poor health that he retired at the age of fifty. 正是因为健康状况不佳,他50 岁时便退休了。 It was because of the job that he...

回答于 2024-07-13 08:06