
性别: 注册于 2014-05-07

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谚语Man cannot live by bread alone如何翻译


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这里的意思是,有五双鞋可供选择。如果选 A 的话,事实上少了一个介词。我们平常说,从五双鞋中选择,应该是 choose from five pairs。所以如果用在这里,应该是five pairs to be chosen from。choose 表示“选择”,其实是指“选择出来”,而不是指“从……选择”,要表示后者的意思,要用choose from。 而在不定式做后...

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date from与date back to所连用的时态和语态问题

资料一:date back to/from     vt.(无被动语态形式,用一般时态)have lasted or existed since (a particular time)从(某一时期)存在至今, 追溯到(某一时期);始于(某一时期):In China needle treatment dates back to ancient times. 中国古代就有了针刺疗法。Despite the long distance...

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one's sense of duty是什么意思

1. 你的句子拼写有误,应该是:If you want children to work hard you must appeal to their interests instead of their sense of duty.2. 与sense of duty相关的例句:He has a strong sense of duty. 他有强烈的责任感。She has a high sense of dut...

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请问“你看”是you see还是you look

1. 我觉得汉语里的“你看”在口语里直接说成“look!”就可以了。2. 补充一下you see的一些常用例子。I see. 意为“我明白了”,是在听明白了别人的话时说的。you see意为“你明白”、“你知道”、“你瞧”,是在请对方弄清道理的过程中说的。You see, I didn't even understand your explanation. 你知道,连你的解释我都听不...

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Health is first. 是否有误

这样的说法可能在口语里用的吧。正式的说法是:The first wealth is health.     首要的财富是健康。(或译成:健康是头等的财富。)

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1. A is B as C is to D.(A之于B,犹如C之于D。)Air is to man as water is to fish.(空气之于人,犹如水之于鱼。)反过来说:Water is to fish as air is to man.(水之于鱼,犹如空气之于人。)2. A is to B what C is to D.Air is to man what water is to fish.(人需要空气就如鱼需要水一样。)反过来说...

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以下是个人见解:我觉得没有必要逐个词逐个词地去翻译,而是应该将"打手机"看成一个短语,而且“打手机”的意思就是“使用手提电话”,所以我建议翻译成 use a mobile phone / a cell phone,整句翻译为:Using a mobile / cell phone is dangerous when you are driving the car.

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主句是:Mary was clearly destined for a brilliant career.as clever as paint and much admired in academic circles是插入语/定语从句(省略了who is),是对Mary这个人的解释说明,即描述Mary是个怎样的人,为什么她注定一生会有一番辉煌的事业。两个原因:as clever as paint和much admired in academic circles

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