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向曹老师请教 while时态问题

网友的句子用过去进行时固然也可以,但一般过去时也不算错。比如下面这句,摘自《柯林斯高阶英语词典》,主句用的就是一般过去时:While the bath was filling, he padded about in his underpants. 往浴缸里放水时,他穿着内裤走来走去。当然,这个句子用过去进行时也可以:While the bath was filling, he was padding ab...

回答于 2024-04-28 15:12

7 赞同


你的句子没有错,这里改用 you've 也可以,即用 you're finished 或 you've finished 都可以。下面是《牛津英语用法指南》的相关说明: 你的问题在本站多次有人提出过,比如:https://www.cpsenglish.com/question/22896

回答于 2024-04-28 13:47

4 赞同


While historically, the speed at which information moved was slower than current times, firms still valued customer loyalty.这个 While historically 并非一个整体,为便于理解,最好在 while 加上一个逗号:While, historically, the speed at which information moved was slower than current times, firms stil...

回答于 2024-04-28 10:42

2 赞同

I didn't see it 和 I haven't seen it


回答于 2024-04-22 13:31

3 赞同


The house belongs to my aunt but she (  ) here any more.A.hasn't lived  B.didn't live   C.hadn't lived    D.doesn't live答案只能是D。因为这是“陈述客观事实”,故用一般现在时。

回答于 2024-04-22 13:29

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be crucial to do / doing辨析(日报中疑似不当之处)

我觉得你的怀疑有道理,to 后面的动词应该用动名词。如果一定要用不定式,那只有一种理解,即把这个不定式理解为目的状语。

回答于 2024-03-20 11:50

2 赞同

jump 还是 jump over

jump 可以用作及物或不及物动词:用作不及物动词时,表示“跳”,此时要表示“跳过”,可以用 jump over:The horse jumped over the fence.用作及物动词时,本身表示“跳过”,其后可以直接跟宾语:The horse jumped the fence.也就是说,网友句子中的 over 是可有可无的。

回答于 2024-03-17 09:25

2 赞同

on that day 可连用哪些时态

根据不同语境的需要,on that day 可连用多种时态。如:I’m sorry but I’ll be busy on that day. 很抱歉我那天很忙。On that day red banners flew everywhere. 那天到处红旗飘扬。I have to go to an interview on that day. 那天我必须去参加面试。

回答于 2024-02-20 11:00

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weep not for me 的 weep 是什么词性

句中的 weep 是动词,这是个祈使句。Weep not for me 与 Don't weep for me 意思不同:Weep not for me 中的否定词 not 用于否定介词短语 for me,意思是:要哭泣,但不要为我而哭(即为其他人而哭)。 Don't weep for me 中的否定词 Don't 用于否定动词 weep for me,意思是:不要哭为我哭泣。

回答于 2024-02-18 16:16

3 赞同

判断正误:She was at 18.(他18岁)

陈才老师给出的结论是对的。但分析的过程确实有些不妥,我猜陈老师可能是把两套分析系统混在一起了。下面是我的个人理解,不妥之处请陈才老师和其他老师批评指正!She is still as beautiful as she was at 18.这类句子有两种分析思路:思路一:将 as 视为比较代词,将 as 分析为表语。这样的分析,是不存在 was 后面省略表...

回答于 2023-12-22 15:29