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性别: 注册于 2014-04-17


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It was a year before...句型理解

Those who jumped without a job haven’t always landed in top positions quickly. Ellen Marram quit as chief of Tropicana a decade ago, saying she wanted to be a CEO. It was a year before she became head of a tiny Internet-based commodities exchange.【参考网译】那些没有工作去向就跳槽的人不会总是很快找...

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The dealer will provide you with a courtesy car while your vehicle is being repaired.【参考译文】车辆维修期间,经销商会(临时)提供免费使用的汽车。【参考解析】同意龙老师分析,补充一点,我想这里用进行时态的主要原因可能是因为其表达一种临时性或暂时性状况。现在进行时不仅可表达某种临时暂时情况,正如薄冰...

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5 赞同

He is to give up drinking.——这是不定式作表语吗?

系表结构中的表语又叫做主语补足语。当主语补足语为名词或不定式时,主语与该名词或不定式在概念上是等同的。所以根据这一点来判断上文二例非常简单。1.He is to give up drinking.很显然 he 在概念上不能等同于 to give up drinking ,这里的不定式不可能分析为表语。实际上这里的be to 为一个情态短语,此句中表将来,其与...

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请问:句中的“not doing do so”是否应该改为“not doing so”?

do 应该是多余的。

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7 赞同


Exposure to excessive noise levels may cause varying degrees of inner ear damage _____ is initially reversible.A.which B.,which C.that D.,that【参考译文】置身于过高的噪音环境或许会造成不同程度的内耳损害,(不过)其前期(损害)是可逆的。【参考解析】答案只能选择B. 因为这是一个非限制性定...

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应该是一句定语从句。实际上这是剑桥词典上的例句。下面三句话均来自该词典:It was a scandal that damaged a lot of reputations.這是一宗使人名譽掃地的醜聞。It was a political scandal which damaged a lot of reputations.It's a scandal (that) children are treated in this way.這樣對待孩子真是太可恥了。

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9 赞同

feel angry与feel anger有何区别

两个句子都是正确的,意义也没什么区别。主要差异在于feel的动词属性。我同意English Expert的观点。前句中的feel为系动词,而后者为实意动词。当然,曾老师的引用完全没问题,不过他可能忽略了一点:其例句中的名词当然是系动,但是其提供的例句与我们这里的句子完全不同。当名词作表语时,通常其与句子的主语在概念上具有...

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His expression is as earnest when he smiles as when he is arguing. 他不论笑的时候还是争论的时候表情都同样真诚。【参考解析】这是as 从句的省略结构,在as…as结构中,当第二个as用作连词引导从句时,如果此从句是复合句,那么这个复合句的整个主句可以省略。所以你的句子完全句为:His expression is as earnest when...

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15 赞同

for the first time中的for如何理解

【参考解析】介词for 可以和 the first / second / third .... last time 构成短语, 表示事件发生的频率,即某件事在某段时期是第几次发生。通常对于介词 for 的意义我们不需要做过多讲解。一定要说的话,这里的 for 的作用表示“确定 / 限定”,即把这个事件发生的频率第次明确表达出来。【经典例句】1.He was married for t...

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caught in the web是什么意思

While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians,modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.Caught in the web of its own time and place,each generation of historians determine...

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