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when 从句的用法疑问(好像用在了不是表时间的地方)(请教张老师)

不知道这位朋友口中的张老师是不是我,不过还是简单说说个人理解,供大家参考: used to show when someone is a member of a group or organization 1.我觉得这个解释中的when并不是指“时间”,而是指某种“情况”,即某人与某一机构、社团、单位或组织在某特定时期/情况下的归属关系,其往往含有“临时性”特征。即...

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句中的意思是quarterly sales从58降到50.56吗

The technology giant reported quarterly sales of $50.56bn (34.39bn dollars) down from $58bn last year - the first fall in sales for the company since 2003.【参考译文】(这个科技巨人,即指苹果公司)苹果公司公布了财报,上个季度其营收为505.6亿美元,而去年同期则为580亿美元,创下2003年以来的首次下滑。问...

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in the face of strong macroeconomic headwinds的含义

Apple’s chief executive Tim Cook said the company performed well "in the face of strong macroeconomic headwinds".【参考译文】苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克说:“在当前经济整体不佳的情况下”,苹果运营情况良好。(问题很难跟您解释,我觉得咱们应该扩大一下自己的视野,多了解当前的国际政治财经甚至军事等全...

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years ago为什么与一般现在时连用

No. I go back years ago, when we lived in a three-room house, when we got up before daylight and worked till after dark to make ends meet.【参考译文】不。此刻我想起了数年前,那时我们住在三间房子里,起早贪黑地工作维持生计。【参考解析】1.Go back: take the mind back in time,in one's thoughts 回顾&...

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sensitive and proud是什么成分?

The town roared with laughter. Shields, sensitive and proud, boiled with indignation.【参考译文】全镇的人都不禁捧腹,(这令)敏感又自负的西尔兹勃然大怒。【参考解析】最好理解为非限制性定语。

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200 years on是什么意思(2013年高考英语福建卷)

Let us imagine how Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen's most famous work, might be updated, 200 years on.【参考译文】让我们想一下,200年后,这部简`奥斯汀最出名的作品——《傲慢与偏见》可能会被如何重新诠释吧。【参考解析】 作为副词的 on 有个意思为“向前 / 继续/ 以后”, 如咱们都熟悉的from now/ then /...

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Anyone who says "Everything that could go wrong did" is overlooking something else that could go wrong.【参考译文】任何认为说“(这不过是)无可避免的偶然错误”的人都是在忽略一些其他的重要因素,这些因素自身都有可能出错。/ 任何认为这只不过是墨菲定律使然的人都是在忽视其他的一些重要因素,这些因...

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I ____ for two hours but nobody has arrived yet.A. am waiting B. waited C. had waited D.have been waiting【参考译文】我都等了两个钟了,可是连一个人都没来。【参考解析】我觉得本题最佳答案为D. 现在完成进行时与现在完成时有个很大的区别在其可以表达主观的感情色彩,而现在完成时通常只表示客观陈述。正如...

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A good health is unlikely to have measurable benefits the way walking or jogging does.= A good health is unlikely to have measurable benefits in the way that walking or jogging does. 所以the way为in the way 的省略式, 在句子中充当方式状语,way后面为定从经常译为【以…的方式/ 象…一样做】 He d...

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