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性别: 注册于 2014-04-17


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If it were not for…用于过去情况

1. 该句没有任何问题。薄冰教授说,在表达与过去事实相反的非真实条件句中,一般用过去完成时,但虚拟式 were 也可以表示与过去事实相反。例如:If I were not busy, I would have come. 假如不是因为忙,(那回 / 次 / 天)我就会来了。2. 所以:Were it not for their help, we couldn't have got over the difficulties....

回答于 2014-04-27 18:55

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我们在叙述完过去经历并作即时评论时往往使用您所举的这种时态结构: 例1:One night after the spa,we went to the restaurant for some dinner, it was about one hour till closing, but we ordered some curry and another dish. It was the absolutely worst food I have ever tasted. 例2:Three very hu...

回答于 2014-04-27 16:56

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真是个好问题。不过也是个难题。网上只有问题,无人作答。据我所知 agree 也算作一个。I must agree that it's really a good but difficult question. 有空查查再。

回答于 2014-04-26 17:00

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The school bus arrived at&nbsp

这句话与 at 密切相关的词为 arrived, 而非 school.到达小地方通常用 arrive at.最简单的解释是:这里school 指建筑物,其前常带冠词the,但在美国英语中可以省略。 所以:The school bus arrived at school on schedule. = The school bus arrived at the school on schedule.

回答于 2014-04-26 10:35

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这位网友最后关于be to 为【情态习语】(注意不是您所说的情态动词,二者还是稍有差别的。)希望【最好能引用权威语法书的观点】。现在我再说两句:持这种观点最著名的代表为语法学大师R.Quirk, 他把这里的 be to 明确称为【modal idiom(即情态习语)】;另外还有G.N.Leech 等学者和许多辞书均持此观点。我非常赞同这种划分...

回答于 2014-04-26 07:50

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its=it is, it has, it was

您的认识基本正确。 it's 有时等于【it is】,有时等于【it has】,但其不等于【it was】。be 的过去式 was 一般不可缩写,不可以缩写的原因是因为缩写的话会造成时态混淆. 分不清楚到底是哪个时态了。

回答于 2014-04-26 07:28

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补充: 1. We convince by our presence. 这是惠特曼Walt Whitman(1819-1892)《草叶集》中诗句,Song of the Open Road 第10节末尾的句子。原句是这样的: I and mine do not convince by arguments, similes, rhymes, We convince by our presence. 我就不给您翻译了。 2. 关于convince 作不及物动词的用法确...

回答于 2014-04-25 20:20

3 赞同

英语可以说in face of吗

▲两者可互换:in (the) face of 的用法如下:1. confronted by 面对:He never shows any fear in face of danger. 在危险面前他从不畏惧。What could he do in face of all these difficulties?面对这些困难,他能干什么呢?2. in opposition to;inspite of 反对;不顾Talking continued even in the face of the teache...

回答于 2014-04-25 15:24

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don’t still与still don’t

黎老师的第1条有例外:You can’t still be feeling tired. (例句来自《朗文英语正误词典》1987年英文版p250)

回答于 2014-04-25 11:36

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have the never是什么意思

Readers are paying more for slimmer products. Some papers even had the never to refuse delivery to distant suburbs.译文译文1:读者们正在为缩水的产品付更多的钱。一些报纸甚至曾恬不知耻地拒向偏远的郊区递送。参考译文2:订阅者(即读者)撒着更多的钱,读着缩过水的报。(而)一些报纸甚至拒绝向偏远的市郊送报...

回答于 2014-04-24 20:20