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性别: 注册于 2014-04-17


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entrance 后接介词of与to的区别

▲表示“在入口处”,通常用介词 at;表示“……的入口”,通常用介词 to, 有时也用介词 of。如: Where is the entrance to the park, please? 请问公园的入口在什么地方? All entrances to the city are guarded by the police. 进城的所有入口都有警察守卫。 The entrance of t...

回答于 2014-05-15 19:06

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That is why...与This is why...

This is why he appears withdrawn. 这就是为什么他总是显得那么与世无争。This is why it speeds through the air. 这就是为什么它会快速飞入空中的道理。This is why my friends don't visit Panama. 这就是我朋友不愿意来巴拿马的原因。This is why people say we learn from experience. 这就是为什么人们说,我们从...

回答于 2014-05-15 15:27

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回答于 2014-05-15 08:33

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Merlin the Wizard(魔术师梅林)的翻译疑问

▲我觉得是可以的,但是不要使用泛滥。这种用法最初是一些封号。William the Conqueror  征服者威廉(指威廉一世)Alfred the Great (新概念英语第4册的《王室谍报》 第一句话)▲调换位置也可。陆谷孙教授在《英汉大辞典》the 词条 p2102 明确指出:用于人的姓或姓名前,表示所指的正是某位众所周知的著名人士。The Judg...

回答于 2014-05-15 07:58

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Japanese electronics giant Sony forecasts it will remain unprofitable until 2015 after are structuring saw it exit the PC business. 翻译:继公司重组,退出个人电脑业务之后,日本电子巨头索尼预计直到2015年其都将保持非盈利状态。说明:动词 see 的用法这两天讲过,表事件经历。After 有点难处理,不妨加上...

回答于 2014-05-14 19:31

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as it were 与 as it was 的用法区别

▲只能填:as it were。为英语习语,意思为:仿佛 / 好像 / 可以说是 / 似乎是。这种意义的 as it were 常以插入语形式出现,因此其后常带有标点 可以理解为虚拟语气,相当于 as if it were (really so) Every idea we have is, as it were, copied from what we sense or experience. 我们的每一个观念似乎都来自我们的感觉...

回答于 2014-05-14 19:22

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early morning/late mornig等具体的时间是什么

这个问题有意思。它们尽管没有具体所指,但还是有一定共识的:Morning: 5 am to 12 pm (noon)Early morning:5 to 8 amLate morning:11 am to 12 pmAfternoon:12 pm to 5 pmEarly afternoon: 1 to 3 pmLate afternoon:4 to 5 pmEvening: 5 pm to 10 pmEarly evening:5 to 7 pmLate evening:9 to 10 pm

回答于 2014-05-14 17:57

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原题有重大事失误,不过这倒是真实反映了初中英语教学的现状: —May I take this book out of thereading room? 肯定回答:Yes, please. / Yes, you can / may. 否定回答:No, youmustn’t. / No, you can’t. / No, you may not. / No, you mayn’t(罕见). I’m sorry. / I&rsquo...

回答于 2014-05-14 17:18

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go on diets too much的理解

go on a diet = go on diets Often, doctors tell some people to go on diets / go on a diet (节食). The doctors hope the diets will make the people feel better. They hope the diets will make the people healthy. Alana was on a diet, but she didn't like it at all.

回答于 2014-05-14 17:00

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