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性别: 注册于 2014-04-17


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by the first bus(乘坐第一班车)对不对

学而优高考网关于一道选择题的讲解很不错:—Did you gothere by bus or____ foot?—I wentthere____ the first bus.A.on,at B.on,by C.by,on D.by,in此题应选B。容易误选C,错误思路为:由by plane,by bus,by plane,by bike等推出by foot;又因为by bus等不用冠词,所以反过来,用了冠词则不用by,而用on,in等...

回答于 2014-06-12 12:32

2 赞同

Do you like a horse? 错在哪?

你喜欢马吗? 正:Do you likehorses? 误:Do you likea horse? ▲如果没有上面中文限制单纯来看,两句话都没啥问题,但第2句很不常见。 有一组经常被引用的句子,想必您也见过: 马是有用的动物。 A horse is a useful animal. The horse is a useful animal. Horses are useful animals. 这三句话都是...

回答于 2014-06-11 20:23

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I live on the fifth floor.  

回答于 2014-06-11 17:37

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这种区别不在语法句式,而在使用的场合。下面的例题对你可能会有帮助: The nurse ______ the visitors to remainbeyond the hospital visiting hours though it was not _____. A. permitted; permitted B. allowed C.allowed; permitted D. permitted; allowed 答案:C (allow 这里有听任 / 默许之意,permit...

回答于 2014-06-11 17:16

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▲非常孤单:(very) much alone。如:I felt very much alone. 我感到很孤单。▲孤零零/ 孑然一身:all / absolutely / quite / rather / terribly / completely / alone。如:He felt all alone in the world. 他发觉自己孤家寡人一个。

回答于 2014-06-11 16:58

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黎老师说得对,在实际教学中,老师口语中确实是说:because.... therefore 来代替此二符号。 

回答于 2014-06-11 06:47

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It is time that...还是It is&nbsp

It's time...后的定语从句通常用that引导。若 time 后跟 when 从句,则其前面多有其他词如 a / the 等。如: 1. It was a time when anything seemed possible. 那是一个任何事可能发生的时代。 2. It was a time when she could not bear the pain and wantedto kill herself. 她曾经无法忍受病痛,想结束自己...

回答于 2014-06-10 18:56

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It’s time that you went t

It’s (about / high) time that…. 这个句型为定语从句。It 指时间,同 It is 10 o'clock now. 一样,it 不是形式主语。该句型是虚拟语气的常用结构,表示定从主语的内容【真该 / 早该】做了。例如: Therefore,it is high time that we took effective measures to improve the currentsituation....

回答于 2014-06-10 11:53

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If they would only do sth

▲If they would only try to understand. = If only they would try to understand ! 要是他们会试图理解,那就好了。 ▲If only 常常引出一个表示感叹性的愿望的句子单独使用,一般看做感叹句。有时二者可分开写,这正是您的困惑所在。因此它不是一个条件状语从句,不需主句。而正是由于其表示某种愿望,所以句子往往...

回答于 2014-06-10 11:19

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see / watch / view 都可以语气搭配。句子所用时态比较灵活,此处过去时及现完均可。

回答于 2014-06-10 10:56