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性别: 注册于 2014-04-17


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主页被访问 2844 次

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 without telling him the 


回答于 2014-07-02 10:36

7 赞同


▲ (2011安徽, 33) His writing is so confusingthat it’s difficultto make out ______ it is he is trying to express. A. that B. how C. who D. what[答案] D你的观察很仔细,选项what后面却是是一个省略掉that 的强调结构。脱离宾从地位应为:What is it (that) he is trying to express?他到底想要表达什么?▲ 这...

回答于 2014-07-01 10:51

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Since 1975 so many people have been moving toUtah that the Mormons, who once represented 75 percent of the population, nowaccount for only half (of that).【试译】:1975以来,如此多的人源源不断地移居到犹他,以致使得曾经占总人口数75%的摩门教徒现在只占其总人口数量的一半。我觉得如果不省略,用that比pop...

回答于 2014-07-01 10:06

3 赞同

What kind of a fool do you take me for的冠词问题

What kind of a fool do you take me for?【试译】你把我当成好糊弄的傻瓜了?(暗含之意:你搞错了。)个人认为,是否带 a 都是正确的。△ What kind of a man would you like for a friend? 你喜欢同什么样的人做朋友?《综合英语成语词典》p 545△《现代英语语法词典》认为,有时用 kind of a 这类结构表示“怎样一个 / 种”...

回答于 2014-06-30 11:49

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judging by与judged by有区别吗?

更多例句: 牛津高阶: Judging by her last letter, they are havinga wonderful time. 牛津: Judging from his letters home, Monty was ingood spirits. He knows that, judging from opinion pollresearch, concentrating on Europe as an issueis normally the route to defeat. The majority of Amer...

回答于 2014-06-29 19:14

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—Do you haveany idea what Paul does all day?—As I know, hespends at least as much time playing as he _______.A. writes  B. does writing     C. iswriting      D. does write这是省略,补全句子您可能就明白了:As I know, he spends at least as much timewat...

回答于 2014-06-28 10:48

3 赞同


wherever / however 都可以,只不过此时为不带 ever 的强调式而已。

回答于 2014-06-27 16:16

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There goes your friend及相关表达

There goes your friend. 你的朋友走了。(往往意味着还没离开视线,动作具有即时进行特征)Your friend has left (gone). 你的朋友走了。(人已不再,动作具有彻底完成性特征)不知您是否喜欢音乐歌,冒昧推荐两首作为说明:▲ You are not alone(MJ)【迈克尔 杰克逊】的《你不孤单》Another day has gone, I'm still all...

回答于 2014-06-27 16:00

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补充:我的意思是▲ A选项在语法上是可以接受的,但结构上位置不妥又容易引起逻辑判断混乱,您看,不是大家都把它分析为状语吗?换句话说,A选项正确的唯一可能性就是把它分析为定语,而不能把它分析为状语。因为现在分词用于句末作状语时多是说明其与谓语之间的逻辑关系,试想此句的谓语【写信】与【在数量上压倒/多余】之...

回答于 2014-06-27 11:39

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