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as long as引导的条件状语可以用将来时态吗?

▲We can getthere early as long as the children will cooperate.只要孩子们愿意合作,我们就能早点到达那里。你的问题will不是将来时标志,而是情态动词表【意愿】。▲更多例句:will 表示现在的意愿,would表示过去的意愿。I will pay you at the rate you ask. 我愿意照你要求的价钱付款。Go where you will. 你愿到...

回答于 2014-07-15 11:19

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Do you have an address and phone number forhim? 你有他的地址和电话号码么?我认为句子毫无问题,翻译也非常到位。▲介词for有一个很常见但有常被忽略的意义【表限制】,即表示上文内容仅限于for后的宾语。最简单的例子:This is the homework for today.这是今天的作业。(不是其他任何一天的)It is no need for h...

回答于 2014-07-15 11:12

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Is the meeting to hold in time or put offtill next week? 会议是按时召开还是推到下周?不知原文出处及引用正确与否。不过如果引用无误,那么我认为翻译就很有问题。【试译】Is the meeting to hold in time or put offtill next week?= Is the meeting to hold or is it put offtill next week in time?最终,会议是继...

回答于 2014-07-15 10:55

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at 21-28 days为什么用介词at

▲我找了下原文,先试译一下,你可能就更易于理解了:The newborn weigh 3-4g (0.11-0.14 oz) andare nearly hairless, but develop fur by day 7. They are weaned and capable offlight at 21-28 days. 新生(蝙蝠)体重3-4克(0.11-0.14盎司),到出生后第7天身体才开始长毛。他们约摸在21到28天之间的某个时候断奶并且能...

回答于 2014-07-15 10:18

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参见英语语法网文章:《关系型what引导名词性从句的五种用法》 http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/200804/256.html

回答于 2014-07-14 18:24

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以上补充例句引自英语语法网的文章:关系型 what引导名词性从句的五种用法

回答于 2014-07-14 18:22

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live to regret it是什么意思

▲live to regret sth= regret it in the future= regret sth sooner or later= end up regretting sth日后会/有朝一日会/最终会/早晚会后悔或遗憾某事,▲即其为regret sth的强调式,强调最终结果。Let's not say things we'll live to regret.我们都别说些日后会令自己后悔的话。▲不过有时其似乎更强调时间长度而非...

回答于 2014-07-13 17:26

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Upon her return he will be waiting for her at the airport.=As soon as she returns, he will be waiting for her at the airport.

回答于 2014-07-12 21:31

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take a course with的意思与用法

ake a course with/ from sb用with似乎有模糊【教学界限】,使人更易于接受,【跟某人学习】,似乎与老师成了同学,尤其是各种学校课程的招生说明中常出现。当然也可以用from sb.表示【从某人处学习】。1. TAKE A CREATIVE WRITING COURSE WITH WILLIAM BURROUGHS2. You can haveyour very own creative wri...

回答于 2014-07-12 18:51

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句子结构the triviality of her anxi

确实是个棘手的问题。【名词+of +名词】含义非常复杂,前后两个名词的关系有十几种之多,失之毫厘,谬之千里。He was surprised by the triviality of heranxieties. 她对琐碎小事的忧心忡忡使他感到惊讶。以上是来自《简明英汉词典》的译文,译者们把整个by宾语处理成主语,尽管很显然【她对琐事的】为主语的定语,可是它...

回答于 2014-07-11 16:08