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the 1980s这样的词可以作宾语吗

if someone is on the margins of an activity, they are only slightly involved(某人)对…稍有涉足He spent the 1980s on the margins ofBritish politics .【译文】20世纪80年代他曾稍稍涉足英国政治。从译文我们可以看出,the  1980s就是一个简单的时间段,spend有个意思就是指花费时间,这样使用很搭配。

回答于 2014-07-26 11:46

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thick and fast的地道翻译

‍翻译这个词组关键是突出其【多而快】的特点,如:纷至沓来/接二连三/络绎不绝/蜂拥而至/铺天盖地/潮水般/频频/密集It was snowing thick and fast. 当其时,大雪纷飞。Suggestions were coming in thick and fast. 各种建议,频频而至。The enemy soldiers came thick and fast. 敌方士兵黑压压地/如潮水般扑了...

回答于 2014-07-20 11:55

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I once saw a jewel fish, during such an eveningtransport of straying children, perform deed which absolutely astonished me.during such an evening transport ofstraying children这是一个在see+ 宾语+ 宾补结构中插入的一个时间状语。【文意】我有一次看到宝石鱼在晚间转运迷路的小鱼的过程中做出了一个使我大吃一...

回答于 2014-07-19 11:20

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求类似between meals的用法

1. war between nations国与国之间的战争2. a treaty between four powers四强之间所签订的条约3. choice between things在事物之间做出选择4. between the lines在字里行间5. She tried to read between thelines. 她想要看出言外之意。6. Near the cemetery, between thetrees, there is something shining, perhap...

回答于 2014-07-19 10:58

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如何理解:as well as the fact that...

Most people think that Napoleon was quite short. This is because ofan inaccurate translation of Frenchlengths _______ he did surround himself with his tallest soldiers.A. as well asB. as well as thatC. as well as the fact that大部分人认为拿破仑长得很矮,除了因为他身边确确实实有一帮非常高的士兵外,(...

回答于 2014-07-19 10:10

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be curious 后接介词的问题

as to= about

回答于 2014-07-17 11:14

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个人觉得我们可以从两种角度来解释这个问题:▲倒装,使【活动】——迪斯科之夜成为信息焦点。即原句Fridays andSaturdays are regular disco nights.= Disco nights are regularly on Fridays andSaturdays.周五及周六总是有例行的迪斯科之夜(活动)1.美国英语常省略介词on.Disco nights are regularly on Fridays andSaturd...

回答于 2014-07-17 10:38

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the same time还是the same time as

‍▲Mary bought her (jasmine) plant the same time I did. 玛丽跟我同时买的茉莉。这个问题很简单:有time构成的许多名词短语都可直接引导时间状语从句,each time / every time / any time / the first time等等。▲更多例句:Each time I meet an Englishman, he starts off the conversation with some co...

回答于 2014-07-17 09:09

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during childhood与during one’s child

你的看法是对的,有无the都对。 The girl became blind during (the) childhood. 这女孩童年时就失明了。 This bad habit was formed during his childhood. 这种坏习惯是他童年养成的。 《英语搭配大辞典》p288 He lived a poor and miserable life during his childhood.童年,他过着贫困又悲惨的生活。 《...

回答于 2014-07-16 12:40

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vary from shop to shop为什么没有冠词

▲根据英语惯用法,两个意义相同或相对的名词构成的平行结构前不用冠词。eg:day and night 日夜/ fac to face 面对面day by day一天天/ husband and wife 夫妻We are mother and daughter.我们是母女俩。She has neither brother nor sister. 他没有兄弟姐妹。Man or boy,I don’t like him.无论大男人还是小男孩,我都不喜...

回答于 2014-07-16 09:55