年费会员 实名认证 专业认证

性别: 注册于 2014-04-17


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2019-07-01 18:09 关注了问题

2018-10-10 18:40 回答问题


2018-10-10 11:52 回答问题

1.(you use it )when you try to do something, especially something difficult这个句子是不一样的,when 分句不是宾从,而是状从的功能。2.您问的这个句子为何不用where,used to show when someone is a member of a group or organization这里不用where的原因很大程度上可能是因为后面的有表达地点的词a group or organization。3.where甚至可以用于先行词为明确时间的定从中,下面是一句来自《剑桥商务英语》的课文例句:Do you ever have a day where you decide to have the morning off and start work later?where在使用中有时其表达可能更有层次,兼有【时间及空间】内涵,值得注意的是该句的后面出现两个与时间有关的表达--the morning及later,因此我想作者是不是也有避免重复的考虑呢?当然,这句话也有很多人人认为不太规范,仅做大家参考之用吧。总之,个人认为,剑桥的这种解释方法应该有其可取之处的,不宜轻言谬误。通过上面2/3点的比较,我认为,2句中用where可能过于随意,不及when表达客观。而3句中的where改用when应该也是没有问题的。

2018-10-09 18:30 回答问题


2018-10-09 18:27 回答问题


2018-10-09 17:01 回答问题

在实际运用中a situation when/ in which/ where都是常见的,在雅思口语话题练习中更为常见。Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized.可以自行搜索a situation when 本网站我发不了图片。

2018-10-09 09:05 关注了问题

2018-04-10 16:46 回答问题

Every student should regularly experience the "Aha!" — when something you never understood, or something you never knew was a mystery, becomes clear.这是一个带有插入语you never understand, 因而省略作定从主语的关系代词that的句子。特别要注意的是这个省略掉的that在完整句中的位置:when something you never understood, or something that you never knew was a mystery, becomes clear.因为只有you never understand为插入语,放在其前面作主语的关系代词才可以被省略,而插入语的位置一定要位于定从的关系词之后。在举一个今年深圳市高三二诊的句子供大家参考:Bzeek, 62, has spent the last 20 years as a foster (代养) father to children he knows are going to die, ___61___ he takes them in anyway. He has cared for the sickest of the sick in the county’s foster care system. Some have died in his arms.62岁的Bzeek领养晚期病重儿童已经20有年了,虽然明知他们会不久于世,他依然不改初心。他在县里的领养中心照顾他们,有些孩子在他的臂弯里离世。【参考解析】题目不难,填but/yet。难在前部分。这是一个带有插入语因而省略作定从主语的关系代词who的句子。特别要注意的是这个省略掉的who在完整句中的位置:Bzeek, 62, has spent the last 20 years as a foster (代养) father to children who he knows are going to die...。 

2018-03-22 17:04 回答被采纳

2018-03-22 17:04 回答被采纳