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339 个回答

3 赞同

介词可以跟形容词吗(beyond frustrated)

我觉得可以认为形容词前面省略了 being:As for Venetians, they're beyond being frustrated and hoping for a solution soon.最典型的类似用法有 far from (being)…。如:Your account is far from (being) true. 你所说远非事实。He was far from (being) friendly. 他一点儿也不友好。Your work is far from (being) sa...

回答于 2022-12-28 08:37

3 赞同

see as many of our friends as we can是什么结构

many of our friends 的中心词是 many,of our friends 只是修饰 many 的定语。所以 as...as 中间本质上接的还是 many,所以是可以的。又如:I want to collect as many of the stickers as possible. 我想收集尽可能多的贴纸。We're keen to see as many of the sights as possible. 我们渴望看到尽可能多的景点。另外像as...

回答于 2022-12-25 17:48

2 赞同


The fact that so many people still smoke in public places suggests that we may need nationwide compaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking.没错,第一个 that 引导的是同位语从句,修饰 the fact。第二个 that 引导的是宾语从句,用作动词 suggest 的宾语。句意:这么多人仍然在公共场所吸烟这一事实表明...

回答于 2022-12-25 10:27

1 赞同

a light meal是什么意思

你的两种理解都对:柯林斯词典的解释是:A light meal consists of a small amount of food, or of food that is easy to digest.剑桥词典的解释是:A light meal is small and easy to digest.

回答于 2022-12-24 22:09

4 赞同

sunlight 搭配什么介词

同意曹老师的解答,我再给网友罗列几例:Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer. 长时间晒太阳会导致皮肤癌。Even a brief exposure to radiation is very dangerous. 即使只是短期接受辐射也是非常危险的。Hearing loss is often induced by exposure to loud noise. 遭受高噪音常会导致听力受损。The colo...

回答于 2022-12-23 16:27

2 赞同


我觉得 C 比 A 更适合。

回答于 2022-12-19 20:15

2 赞同

the number of books sold 还是 is sold

The number of books sold this month has reached 2,000.你的句子中的 sold 是过去分词作后置定语,相当于定语从句 which has been sold。但不能像说的那样将 sold 改成 were sold,你没有注意到后面的谓语动词 has reached 吧。

回答于 2022-12-15 13:59

4 赞同



回答于 2022-12-13 21:11

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回答于 2022-12-12 07:34

1 赞同

in love 的反义短语是什么

in love 的反义词短语是 out of love。请看韦氏高阶的解释:

回答于 2022-12-08 23:56