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性别: 注册于 2014-02-20


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used to 可以用于现在吗

used to只能指过去(指过去的习惯,尤其用于强调过去与现在的对比)。如:I used to drink alcohol, but I don’t any more. 我以前喝酒,但现在不再喝了。I used to live in London, but now I live in Edinburgh. 我以前住在伦敦,但现在住在爱丁堡。They used to live in Scotland but they moved down south. 他们以前住...

回答于 2024-03-14 23:13

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汉语的“网址”用英语来表达可以有多种方式。如:1. web / website address 网址Just type in the web address. 只要键入网址就行了。The old official club website address has been taken over by cybersquatters. 俱乐部原来的官方网址已经被人抢注了。Visitors to the old website address are redirected automatically...

回答于 2024-03-14 16:12

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是的,不定式作定语,修饰 money。一般说来,have sth to do 结构中的不定式都是作定语,修饰前面的名词。

回答于 2024-03-13 23:33

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make decisions 和 make a decision 区别

一般说来,如果是针对某个特定场合或某个特定的事件作出决定,通常用 make a decision(强调作出一个决定)。注意体会:We were stupid to wait so long before we made a decision. 我们等了这么久才做出决定,真是不明智。We need to make a decision now, as we haven’t got much time to play with. 我们必须现在就作决...

回答于 2024-03-13 15:46

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go to a doctor 与 go to the doctor

go to a doctor 与 go to the doctor 都可以说,区别不大。如果一定要细分一下,两者的区别可理解为不定冠词与定冠词的区别。如果只是笼统地说“去看医生”,没有明确的指向(即不确定是去哪家医院或哪位医生),比如你在路边碰到一个陌生人,看他脸色不好,好像生病了,你对他说“要不要去看医生”,此时大概率就是用 go to (s...

回答于 2024-03-13 11:51

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a total of...作主语时的主谓一致问题

a total of...作主语时,谓语动词通常用复数。有人认为视为整体时也可以用单数,但很少见。

回答于 2024-03-11 17:14

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a host of...作主语时的主谓一致问题

a host of 意思是“许多”“一大群”,通常只连复数名词连用,与a lot of 同义,相关短语用作主语时,谓语动词通常用复数。如:A host of show business celebrities have pledged their support. 许多演艺圈名人允诺支持。(朗文第五版)但有时也连用单数动词,尤其是用于 a whole host of 时(即被视为侧重整体)。如下面的截图...

回答于 2024-03-11 17:03

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职业相关的名词单复数问题(My favorite job is teacher.)

我觉得,要想表达“我最喜欢的工作是老师”,与其用 My favorite job is teacher,不如用 My favorite job is teaching。如果一定要用名词 teacher,我觉得可以用 being a teacher。即:My favorite job is being a teacher.

回答于 2024-03-11 16:14

20 赞同

otherwise 和 if not 的区别

我觉得网友的句子宜用 otherwise。虽然otherwise 和 if not 都可以表示“要不然”,但 if not 其实是 if...not...这类条件从句的省略形式。如:Are the underlined words correct? If not, correct them. 画线单词是否正确?如果不正确,请改正。(If not=If the underlined words are not correct)Drop that gun! If not, y...

回答于 2024-03-07 12:55

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as 的用法(涉及as adj as it is to do sth)

as cool as...表示让步,其中的第一个 as 也可以省略。As cool as it may be to receive a postcard written in Chinese, the concept doesn't work if one doesn't understand it. 虽然收到用中文写的明信片可能很酷,但你若不懂中文,里面写的东西你还是理解不了。又如: (As) Cold as it was, we had to go out. 尽管天...

回答于 2024-03-05 10:12