2025-02-11 00:19 回答问题
for sb to do sth可以放在句首作主语,但不算普通,改成 it is...for sb to do sth更常见。下面的截图摘自薄冰老师的《高级英语语法》:
2025-01-27 23:25 回答问题
翻译“赔钱货”的基础单词应该是 loser,而 money loser 只是相对“直译”的一种表达。如:You told me about the magazine you were going to publish—a real loser it sounded like. 你同我谈过你打算要出版的那份杂志——听起来真像个赔钱货。其他表达需根据具体语境来确定。如:The ancestral estate had become a financial drain. 祖上的产业变成了赔钱货。
2025-01-27 17:34 回答问题
正:He stood silent.正:He stood silently.从语法上看,两句都对:He stood silent.——stand为系动词,形容词silent作表语,表示状态。He stood silently.——stand为行为动词,副词silently作状语,表示方式。
2025-01-27 15:51 回答问题
2025-01-25 19:52 回答问题
其实不是 an agreement 后置,而是时间状语 on Monday 前置了。其原因是 an agreement 后面有多个修饰语——in principle 和 with the Liberty Media-owned sport. General Motors plans to enter Formula One with its Cadillac brand in 2026 after announcing on Monday an agreement in principle with the Liberty Media-owned sport. = General Motors plans to enter Formula One with its Cadillac brand in 2026 after announcing an agreement in principle with the Liberty Media-owned sport on Monday.
2024-12-28 22:10 回答问题
2024-12-28 22:02 回答问题
One day, to this quiet, remote village came two strangers, a man and a woman. 有一天,这个安静且偏僻的村庄来了两个陌生人,一男一女。这是一个倒装句,这一方面是为了强调主语two strangers,另一方面是为了使上下文衔接得更紧密。
2024-12-22 18:04 回答问题
两者意思差不多,但语法结构不同:horse-riding 属于“名词+动名词”构成的复合名词,意思是“骑马”,相当于the action of riding a horse。至于 riding horse,严格说来,这个表达并不对,应该是 riding a horse 或 riding horses,它是一个分词短语(分词+宾语)。
2024-12-15 22:59 回答问题
网友的句子,通常的说法是把介词放在疑问句的末尾,即:Who did you speak with? Where did this wine come from?What are you complaining about?但在正式场合或正式文体,也可见到将介词放在特殊疑问句句首的例子,所以下面的句子也不能算错,只是比较正式而已:With whom did you speak? From where did this wine come?Aabout what are you complaining?
2024-12-11 17:42 回答问题