罗  芳
罗 芳

性别: 注册于 2014-02-18

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agree sb to do sth符合英语习惯吗

“同意某人做某事”我总结一下,不一定全面。agree是不及物动词,所以不能用agree sb. to do sth.来表达。正确的表达是:agree with sb. to do sth. / agree with sb. doing sth. / agree to sb. doing sth. (注意:to是介词)例如:I don’t agree with people to smoke all day long.=I don’t agree with people smoking all...

回答于 2014-03-07 15:27

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nine gold and nine silver medal中的medal用单数吗

Great Britain gave the most performance in this group, winning only nine gold and nine silver medal.个人认为 medal 是遗漏了s, 因为 medal 在此是可数名词。winning only nine gold and nine silver medal 在本句中作结果状语。winning 不是动名词,是分词。

回答于 2014-03-07 10:53

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在英语中,只有当形容词的最高级充当定语的时候,定冠词the才是不可缺少的,但是在它们充当表语(主语补语)时,定冠词the 是可有可无的。请比较:Anna is the youngest childAnn is (the) youngest.Della is the most efficient publisher in the office.Della is the most efficient publisher in the office.

回答于 2014-03-07 10:42

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acknowledge作为“承认, 供认”时,用法和admit用法类似。 admit doing, admit having done sth, acknowledge having done sth 承认做了某事 例如:He acknowledged having made a mistake. 他承认他做错了。 所以上面一题的答案是B。

回答于 2014-03-07 09:16

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补充一下:It couldn't be better.和第一个句子完全是两回事,不存在虚拟的问题。在can和could+否定词 +形容词和副词比较级的结构中,它们是可以互用的。 I can't agree with you more.我再同意你不过了。(或:我完全同意你的意见。) The weather couldn't be worse.天气再糟糕不过了。 He couldn't have done bett...

回答于 2014-03-06 22:41

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Being poor is no disgrace. 贫穷并非耻辱。这个句子是主系表句型,being poor是动名词作主语。

回答于 2014-03-06 22:23

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but that...中的that能省略吗?

Nothing would satisfy that boy but that I place him on my lap.but that在本句中相当于if…not作“若不; 要不是;除非”解,本句前部分是虚拟语气,后面表后面表事实。再例:I would go abroad but that I am poor. 要不是我穷的话,我就要出国了I would have failed but that your helped me.要不是...

回答于 2014-03-06 21:50

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therefore在词义上相当于thus, consequently, for that reason, as a result of that, 意思是:因此, 所以, 结果。(and) therefore 常用语连接两个并列的分句, therefore也可用作从属连词的关联词:because…therefore, seeing(that)…therefore。

回答于 2014-03-04 10:05

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Because as the world is becoming a global village, we need it more badly.个人认为有两种可能,一是楼上老师解释的印刷错误。另外还有一种可能,即as的意思是“随着”,也就是说,在原因状语从句中还包括了一个时间状语从句。因为如果是在as 和because之间仅仅少了反斜杠的情况下,as的首字母应该是大写的。可以和其他老...

回答于 2014-03-03 00:00

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首先要弄清补语的概念:宾语补足语用来表示宾语的动作、身份、特征、状态等。off the roof 表达的是swept这个动作的出发点,显然是作状语。

回答于 2014-03-01 00:00