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as many as/as much as后接数字

(1) The number of the students in that school is as many as 3000.(2) The number of the students in that school is as much as 3000.这两句都可以说。但句 (2) 不如句 (1) 规范。英语趋向简练,students 之前的 the 一般不用。主要是为了避免与句首的 the 重复使用。

回答于 2021-09-21 15:01

9 赞同


A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life. 这是马克思的一句名言:外语是人生奋斗中的一种武器。网友的质疑是正确的,薄冰教授对表语部分的分析欠妥。应该这样分析:主语:A foreign language 系动词:is 表语:a weapon in the struggle of life. 表语是一个整体,不应拆开只让中心词作表语。整体作表语的...

回答于 2021-09-21 14:38

3 赞同

agree by the way看不懂这个结构

Everyone around us seems to agree by the way they cling to their phones, even without a signal on a subway.这里,agree 是不及物动词,意思是“达成共识,看法一致”。by the way they cling to their phones,是 agree 的方式状语。它其实是一个表示方式的介词短语 by the way (根据某种方式),而 they cling to th...

回答于 2021-09-21 08:35

2 赞同


A:Where is Kelly going? B:He volunteered for Red X Duty with the chief.  这句话不应该有疑问。volunteer for :(主语)自愿参加(某项活动、任务)with sb.:方式状语。意思:他自愿和队长一起执行红色X任务。with the chief 是修饰动词 volunteered 的,而 volunteered 的主语是 He,不是 the chief。队长愿意不愿...

回答于 2021-09-21 08:04

2 赞同

curious to explore是什么用法

After class, we all quickly ran out the door, curious to explore this new world we had just entered.整个形容词短语作前文的原因状语。我们说 be curious to do sth.,不说 be curious doing sth. ,这就是不能使用 curious exploring 的原因。

回答于 2021-09-21 07:51

4 赞同


Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?1. 黑体部分是不定式短语,作宾语补足语。with your food 当然是宾补的一部分,作方式状语,修饰 play。此外, play with 最好按及物的短语动词对待,food 是其宾语。2. 我们平常说的不定式作主语、宾语、表语、宾补、状语等,实际指整个不定式短语。其他非谓...

回答于 2021-09-21 07:40

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some vegetable和some vegetables的区别

I eat some vegetable every day. I eat some vegetables every day.vegetable 是可数名词。如果表示“一些蔬菜”,要用复数 some vegetables。如果语境允许使用 some vegetable, 只能理解为“某种蔬菜”。

回答于 2021-09-20 14:34

7 赞同


A unique thank you to the unique Sanyu Dillon, who might not have known what a seemingly offhand remark one noontime would lead to, but probably, in that way she has, did.该句,整个黑体部分是一个定语从句,前面是一个名词词组。只分析这个句子即可:She might not have known what a seemingly offhand remar...

回答于 2021-09-19 18:03

9 赞同

as soon as possible的省略补充

I need the money as soon as possible.soon 不能直接修饰 need,句子需要修改一下:I need to get the money as soon as possible. (让 soon 修饰 get)如果非要补充的话,就要真正弄清楚这个比较关系,演变如下:1. I need to get the money soon.2. I need to get the money as soon as possible.3. I need to get the...

回答于 2021-09-19 17:02

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1. Jake's wife is pregnant with twins.定语成分一般是无法用强调句强调的,包括名词所有格在内,因为 Jake's 相当于 His。如果想强调的话,只有重读Jake。似乎可以用 whose 引导,介于定语从句和强调句之间。It is Jake whose wife is pregnant with twins.2. One leg of the table is broken. —— It is one leg of the t...

回答于 2021-09-19 16:48