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The potato cakes can be shallow or deep-fried until crisp outside and meltingly soft inside. 薯饼可以微煎或熟炸,直到变得外脆内软。(科林斯词典) ——这是时间从句省略了主语和 be 动词。等于: The potato cakes can be shallow or deep-fried until (they are)crisp outside and meltingly soft inside. 还有...

回答于 2021-10-10 12:45

4 赞同


His integrity integrated his personalities.personality 表示“性格,品性,个性”,是一个可变名词。即可数或不可数均可,使用时单复数均可。也可以说:His integrity integrated his personality. 他的正直使他的人格完美。integrity 和 integrate 形似、音似而义异,把两个不同的词性放在一起使用,具有强烈的感染效果。...

回答于 2021-10-10 12:11

5 赞同


为了更好理解,我把句子简化一下(去掉破折号里面的部分):Tina knew this would not be easy on the girls, but living in a home where Mommy and Daddy are fighting, that had to be worse, didn’t it?1.  这是一个并列句,but 引导第二个并列分句,living in a home where Mommy and Daddy are fighting,  是现在分词...

回答于 2021-10-10 07:51

12 赞同

go to a place for some time的深层分析

He has gone to Italy for five days.We went to Paris for ten days.He went to America for two years, but now he’s come back.I'll go to New York for a week. (给网友补充一个将来时态的句子,各种时态都有,体现多样化)◆以上4个句子,归结起来都是go to a place for some time,实际意思是指:go to a place and s...

回答于 2021-10-10 05:22

3 赞同

what date, on what date, at what date的用法与比较

On what date are you travelling?不可以使用 at,也不可以省略 on。介词 at 表示时间时,指非常具体而确切的时间点,如 at ten (o'clock), at noon, at daybreak, at dawn, at dusk, at midnight。本句 date 指某一日,某一天,跟星期中的周几一致,用 on 是正确选择。on what date 是介词短语在本句作时间状语,如果省略...

回答于 2021-10-09 14:34

3 赞同

die 后加一段时间的用法

He has died for a week. (误) He has been dying for a week. (误) He has been dead for a week.(正) He died a week ago. (正) It is a week since he died.(正) 注:如果表示“他已经去世一周了”,第二句是错的。不考虑这层意思,单说 He has been dying for a week. 则表示 “他濒于死亡已有一星期了”(...

回答于 2021-10-09 14:21

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In my mind I am always sprawled on it, reading with my skinny legs slung over one of its arms. 应按两个层次去分析: 1. reading with my skinny legs slung over one of its arms,整个现在分词短语,作伴随状语。 2. with my skinny legs slung over one of its arms,此为 with 复合结构(with + 宾语 + 过去分...

回答于 2021-10-09 09:54

3 赞同


Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. He could hear shouting in the camp itself....Then, jumping into the car, he drove off as quickly as he could.1. 这里的itself 指camp,是其同位语,强调喊叫声来自营地本身。2....

回答于 2021-10-09 09:22

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suggest sb doing sth

把 him 改为 he 即可:The computer suggested him install an advanced piece of equipment.(误)The computer suggested he install an advanced piece of equipment.(正)

回答于 2021-10-09 08:58

2 赞同

see sb 后面能不能接形容词

I've never seen him this mad before. 1. see 可以接形容词作宾补。this 是程度副词修饰 mad,类似于 so。2. see 可以接以as 短语、名词、动名词、形容词、副词、介词短语或动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。see 的宾补是 as 短语时,意思是:把......看作是......see 的宾补是名词、动名词时,意思是...

回答于 2021-10-09 08:48