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—____ do you share happiness with?—My parents and my best friend.按语法规则,作及物动词的宾语或介词宾语时,疑问代词“谁” 用宾格 whom。实际运用中,现代英语为了顺口,可以用 who 代替 whom。但是,如果其前有介词,则必须用 whom,就跟关系代词 who 和 whom 一样的道理。所以,本句空格处,填 who 或 whom 均可。...

回答于 2021-10-12 11:54

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Mr. Dursley hummed as he picked out his most boring tie for work, and Mrs. Dursley gossiped away happily as she wrestled a screaming Dudley into his high chair.as 是连词,引导的从句没有伴随状语从句的说法。这是时间状语从句,跟主句同时发生,翻译为“ 一边...(从句),一边....(主句)”。后半句前面有一个...

回答于 2021-10-12 11:50

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They are on honeymoon in Tokyo.介词短语 in Tokyo 是表语的一部分,作系表结构(are on honeymoon)的地点状语。

回答于 2021-10-12 11:14

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One of the most serious of the many challenges the Chinese government faces is the loss of arable land.你把黑体部分提前,便得到:Of the many challenges the Chinese government faces, one of the most serious is the loss of arable land.这个最高级常用的格式,把范围定语提到句首,予以强调,同时照顾了句子...

回答于 2021-10-12 11:11

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关于the same…as 比较结构的疑问

I'd like one the same as yours. = I'd like one that is the same as yours

回答于 2021-10-12 11:06

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A failed relationship is not the reason to give up hope for true love even stepping into marriage through online dating apps.句子没错。黑体部分为现在分词短语,作让步状语。副词 even 暗示出这是让步状语。

回答于 2021-10-12 10:39

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for further study还是for further studies

He went to Italy for further study.He went to Italy for further studies.两个说法都对。study 表示“学习”,further study 或  further studies 表示“深造”。表达此意时,单数为不可数名词,复数为可数名词。意思基本相同。柯林斯词典:N-UNCOUNT   Study is the activity of studying. 学习 [also N in pl]

回答于 2021-10-12 10:31

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and, but, not only用法

1. We often praise others but blame ourselves. We often praise others and blame ourselves. 请问老师以上两个句子是否都对?能否解释下原因? ——都对,意思也相同。并列连词 and 连接的前后事项,如果相反或相对,也可以表示转折关系。 2. Not only should we praise others but praise ourselves. Not only shoul...

回答于 2021-10-12 05:59

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And more protested to demand full equality for women.more = more peopleprotested 是不及物动词,也是谓语动词,不定式 to demand full equality for women 是目的状语。demand 是及物动词,可以直接跟宾语,为何加 for?

回答于 2021-10-11 21:46

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表示“方面”,用 at 是正规的说法,in 不太规范,应尽量避免使用。这里,of 不表示 “方面”,而是表达 “归属关系”。

回答于 2021-10-11 21:39