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It was ______ that we went camping in the mountains last week.A. such nice weatherB. too nice weatherC. so nice a weatherD. nice weather so此题考查 such... that...句式。当主句含有such 或 so 时, 可以用 that 引导结果状语从句。so +adj. 只能用来修饰可数名词,且是单数,格式为:so adj. a +名词。如果是复数...

回答于 2021-10-29 17:01

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dying 完全可以用于描写动物、植物、行业、习俗、日期等事物。 Shipbuilding is a dying business. 造船业是一个没落行业。 In her dying days the old queen unbent a little. 在老女王垂死的日子里,她的态度放松了一些。 "The elm trees are all dying," said Palmer, with a sad shake of his head. “这些榆树...

回答于 2021-10-29 16:47

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1 从属连词的定义为何?是否在从句中作成分?——引导从句的连词叫“从属连词”。能否在从句中作成分,这不一定,要具体情况具体分析,如 because, if 不作成分,但是,Whatever you do, you must do it well. 中, Whatever 在从句中作 do 的宾语。2 如果将引导从句的引导词就叫做连词,那引导定语从句的引导词以及引导间接疑...

回答于 2021-10-29 15:09

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You'll have the energy to take up the new tasks waiting for you.tasks 的定语。相当于 that are waiting for you.明明是现在分词,你写成原形:wait for you是做什么成分啊。

回答于 2021-10-29 14:49

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Many Vivians back in the Middle Ages were actually men.这里 back 确实是副词,修饰介词短语 in the Middle Ages,整个黑体词组作定语。它不仅可以指“时间后移”,而且也可以修饰地点或位置,意为“返回原地”。例如:He has a big family back in Chicago. 这句话的含义是:他本人在异地他乡,老家却是芝加哥,家里人口很...

回答于 2021-10-29 12:03

9 赞同

be helped与got helped比较

Hundreds of thousands of people were helped.这里的 were helped 可以换成 got helped 吗?——不可以。get done 这种被动结构,不完全同等于be done,它们之间是有区别的。get done 主要用来:1. 表示不利因素;2. 强调突发事件;3. 描写日常生活等。特征是:1. 强调动作意义;2. 表示渐变过程。两种被动语态有何区别?请...

回答于 2021-10-29 06:32

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These epochal figures represented lives hard to imitate, but to be acknowledged as possessing higher authority than mere mortals.1. 这个句子有误。应把 to be acknowledged as possessing higher authority than mere mortals,改为 were acknowledged as possessing higher authority than mere mortals. 这样, ...

回答于 2021-10-28 21:59

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on the left的用法

It's straight down this road on the left, next to the museum. It takes about 10 minutes.句子完整,没有省略成分。其实,It 就是指 the library,作句子的主语。straight 是副词,修饰 down this road。这里有3个地点状语,之间不是修饰关系,而是由大到小的排列关系,越来越具体:down this road, on the left, next...

回答于 2021-10-28 18:12

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an identity of interests中的an与of分别的用法

牛津词典里查identity时看到的一个例句1  an identity of interests 利益一致2  There's a close identity between fans and their team. 球迷和他们的球队之间有密切的同一性[U] ~ (with sb/sth) | ~ (between A and B) the state or feeling of being very similar to and able to understand sb/sth 同一性;相同;一致 ...

回答于 2021-10-28 18:03

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how much more...的语法分析

I wonder how much more computers will be able to do in the future?more 怎么会是computers的定语呢?它是程度副词修饰much的。more 即便省去也无妨,how much 仍然可以作 do 的宾语。more 是比较级形式,实际是副词,用在数词、数量限定词、数量代词之后,表示 “再,又,还,更” 的意思。例如:Give me one more apple....

回答于 2021-10-28 11:03