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连词the time

It was about twelve o'clock when I finished writing the report.本来是一个很简单的主从句,主句的it 指时间。网友另辟蹊径,是想让 the time 作 twelve o'clock 的同位语,I finished writing the report 是 the time 的定语从句,是吗?我们看看能否讲得通,这里需要加一个逗号:It was about twelve o'clock, the ti...

回答于 2021-11-05 06:18

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keep in mind 和 bear in mind 都是及物的短语动词。直接跟名词、代词作宾语,也可以直接跟that 或 wh-word 引导的从句作宾语,在规范的英语中,不使用形式宾语 it。Before you disregard his advice, keep/bear in mind [=remember] that he is regarded as one of the leading experts in this field. 《韦氏词典》Please...

回答于 2021-11-05 05:57

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A is to B, what C is to D.

逗号前是个名词词组作主语,多余去掉。A is to B what C is to D.这是一个比喻句。A、B、C、D 分别指四种事物,to B 和 to D 分别表示“针对某物而言”。用字母很混乱,我用一个具体句子分析:Water is to fish what air is to man. 1. 简化句子,去掉两个介词短语to fish和to man后,剩下:Water is what air is.2. Water is...

回答于 2021-11-05 05:24

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should take one's leave还是might as well leave

1. When you take your leave or take leave of someone, you say goodbye and go. ——这是柯林斯词典的释义。 2. ought to be leaving 这个答案也是对的。例如: We ought to be leaving now. 我们现在该动身了。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 3. may/might as well = should = ought to,虽然不能说完全相等,但意思非常...

回答于 2021-11-04 18:22

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I have told you all (that) there is to tell.这句话,关系代词 that 是定语从句 there is to tell 的主语,可省略。to tell 是 that 的定语。完整的句子是这样的:There is something to tell (you). ——that 指 something。

回答于 2021-11-04 12:20

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新概念三英语 第35课第二段有关疑问

1. There are rare instances when justice almost ceases to be an abstract concept.——定语从句。 instances 为先行词。2. Reward or punishment are meted out quite independent of human interference.——方式状语。即:实施的方式。

回答于 2021-11-04 11:41

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Many of us make it our New Year decision to get more active.Many of us (主语)make (谓语动词)it (形式宾语)our New Year decision (宾补)to get more active.(真正宾语)

回答于 2021-11-02 05:42

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理解正确。是宾语前置,目的是强调这个宾语,而且显得句子匀称,免得头轻脚重。具有修辞效果,也使句子对称起来。What they lack in white matter, they make up in cortisol levels. What we lost before, we make up now. 以前失去的,现在补回来。

回答于 2021-11-01 12:41

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be made in时态问题

Where was the ring made?It was made in Thailand.原句正确。特定的某一件商品(物品)由某地制造,指过去发生的动作,故用一般过去时。the ring 特指这个戒指。如果类指或泛指某种商品(物品)由某地制造,可以用一般现在时,表示现在的习惯与常态。一般过去时的例句:Our plate was made in China. This one was made i...

回答于 2021-11-01 12:28

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He did it on purpose, knowing it would annoy her. 这是现在分词短语,作原因状语。不能只看位置,关键看语义关系。表达因果关系,分词短语放在句首更常见: Knowing it would annoy her, he did it on purpose. 分词作原因状语,放在句末: Linda broke off, realizing that she was wrong. 琳达意识到自己错了,所...

回答于 2021-11-01 07:54