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whose bounty and beneficence has preferred me to the valuable rectory of this parish, where it shall be my earnest endeavor to demean myself with grateful respect towards her Ladyship.it shall be my earnest endeavor to demean myself with grateful respect towards her Ladyship,网友理解正确,It 是形式...

回答于 2021-12-14 14:28

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引号写错了地方,应为: "The guy's loving life right now, " TV commentator Patrick McEnroe said.  's = is,句子时态是现在进行时。静态动词 love 一般不用于进行时态。如果用了,则表示“一种情绪”,表示“暂时的情况”。比如,此人厌倦人生,突然一下子改变了。电视评论员帕特里克·麦肯罗说:“这家伙现在突然热爱生活...

回答于 2021-12-14 06:44

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The golden week is a national holiday for 7 days on end.黄金周是指连续7天的全国性假日。实际上,本句中 for 7 days on end 作定语,不是状语。这里 for 不表示“持续”的含义,词组也不是指“假期持续的时间”,只有跟延续性动词连用作状语时,for + 时间段 才表示动作持续的时间。这里,for 表示事物的“属性或用途”之意,...

回答于 2021-12-14 06:31

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Journalists came from as far afield as China. 新闻记者有的来自遥远的中国。 要想从根本上弄清里面的结构,就应拆开分析。实际上就是 from 之后接了一个比较结构,使“遥远”的意义具体化。 from far afield =  from far away   1. afield 是古英语,等于away。 2. from 后接地点、方位副词作宾语是常态,例如:from h...

回答于 2021-12-14 05:52

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Defines quantity determination翻译问题

网友理解正确。完整的句子是:What AAFCO does defines quantity determination for label titles, e.g., "Chicken Cat Food," "Chicken Dinner for Cats," "Chicken-flavored Cat Food." 意为:美国饲料协会的职责是,规定并明确标签中商品名称的含量,例如“鸡肉猫粮”“鸡肉餐猫粮”“鸡肉味猫粮”。

回答于 2021-12-12 06:37

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the one above的结构

Write a short paragraph like the one above.above 是方位副词,表示“方位或地点”的副词,可以放在名词或代词之后作定语,是后置定语,如果前置那就是形容词了。如:The above regulations are to be enforced immediately. 以上规定,着即施行。Please write to us at the above address. 请按上述地址来函。副词作后置定...

回答于 2021-12-11 09:06

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10. The boy was ____ to speak louder in the class when answering the teacher's questions.A. a coward enough  B. enough of cowardC. too much the coward  D. too much of a coward该题只能选 D。先不说句意是否允许,其余3个表达都是不存在的。答案D还可省去 of。英语中有 He is man enough. He is fool enough. 的...

回答于 2021-12-10 12:08

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so many修饰主语时可以使用部分倒装吗

1. So many tourist spots (does Beijing offer)  that most visitors run out of time before seeing them all. 该句可以判定为错句。so many 为限定词,后面接名词时,没有引起句子倒装的条件。原句正确的表达应为:  Beijing offers so many tourist spots that most visitors run out of time before seeing them a...

回答于 2021-12-10 11:55

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1. so did he, so he did, he did so 辨析:① I read the poem, and so did he. 我读了这首诗,他也读了。②—He read the poem very well. —Yes, so he did. ——这首诗他读得很好。——是的,他确实如此。③I asked him to read the poem, and he did so. 我请他读这首诗,他照做了。 2. so it is with...这种结构,不用倒装。当...

回答于 2021-12-10 08:45

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He said, on her income, with some changes, she would be able to buy an investment unit within two years, which she did.on her income, with some changes 这两个介词短语,与 said 无关,而是修饰后面的句子。on:根据;依据。on her income 根据她的收入情况with:如果,只要;在......情况下。with some changes...

回答于 2021-12-10 08:39