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others 就是复数形式,指代复数名词。注意以下表达的区别:another (an + other,泛指另一个)the other (特指另一个)others (泛指另一些)the others (特指另一些)

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up from 是什么意思

副词 up 表示“比...高;高于”。from 引出表示“比较的对象”。句子意思是:到2050年,美国有25%的人超过65岁,高于1995年的14%。就结构看,整个 up from 14 percent in 1995, 是前文的结果状语。

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The school authority thought a lot about ______.A.we teacherB.we tearchers (作主语用)C.us teacherD.us teachers (作宾语用)理由: about 是介词,us teachers 做介词宾语。I don't think the words you describe we Chinese people are true.(误)改为:I don't think what you said about us Chinese i...

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It is violating human rights.进行时还是动名词

It is violating human rights.这是个歧义句。It 如果指“组织、机构;行为”等,那么,该句就是现在进行时态。violating  是现在分词。It 如果指“目的,意图,目标,想法,愿望” 等,那么,该句就是“主系表结构”。violating 是动名词。翻译如下:It is violating human rights.1. 按现在进行时理解:该组织在侵犯人权。...

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the numbers of和the number of

the numbers of 和 the number of 的区别和用法。1. the numbers of sth.:指某物几个分别的数字。2. the number of sth.:指某物的总数。例如:Add up the numbers of the books. 意思是:把这些书本的数字加起来。(比如说:有5包书,每包都有一定的数目,然后把这5个数字加起来)。the numbers of sth. 作主语的话,谓语...

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一、and 连接的两个名词,若表示由两部分或两种身份组成的一个事物或人,则第二个名词前不用冠词;但如果是表示两样事物或两个人,则两个名词前都要用冠词。比较:a black and white cat 一只黑白相间的猫a black and a white cat 一只黑猫和一只白猫a worker and writer 一位工人兼作家的人a worker and a writer 一个工人...

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不定式成分分析(enough to和enough...to )

I've got enough propofol to put an elephant to sleep.  (定语)He has enough money to buy the whole city. (定语)He is man enough to admit his mistake. (程度或结果状语)I don't know him well enough to ask him for help. (程度或结果状语)1.  表示“拥有;具有” 之意的 have got 或 hav...

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对as expected的分析

to indicate that something is correct or completed as expected.划线部分,是一个省略了 is  的“比较状语从句”。等于:as is expected。这种结构经常省略 be 动词。我总结了一些常见表达:as + (is)+ 过去分词  省略结构:用于此句式的动词,一般是表示“计划,想象,预料,叙述,描述,提及,说及,显示,指...

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1,Scenography must draw inspiration from the play, its author, all of theatre.我的翻译:场景美术必须从戏剧、它的作者、整个剧场中汲取灵感请问老师:its是指代play吗?play,its author,all of theatre 是理解为三个并列的结构吗?【答】理解和翻译都正确。 2,sequences and correspondences, nodal and con...

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justify whether 与 justify if

You have to justify whether your journey is really necessary.这说明两个问题:1.  justify 不接带有疑问的wh-引导的宾语从句,以及 that 宾语从句(融合性关系代词 what 引导的名词性从句除外。如:You must justify what have done.)。2.  本句的 whether 表示“让步”,意为“不管/无论”。justify 是不及物动...

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