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独立主格结构的使用,是受语体限制的,仅限于书面语,不能随便使用。在日常会话中是不用独立主格的。有些英语老师,为了讲独立主格,而不顾语言的文体。造成顾此失彼。He being late, I am angry. 改为:Because he is late, I am angry.Rabbit dead, the fox felt sad. 本句的错误:1. rabbit 是饲养的家兔,这里应该...

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range from ...to ...,表示“范围从......到......”。 anywhere 在这里用作副词,表示“大概,大约”  在...之间,修饰 from ...to...。又如:Each month, anywhere from 15 to 25 people show up at the library.每个月,大约有15到25个人在图书馆借书。My visits lasted anywhere from three weeks to two months.&nbs...

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I hope you will find the above proposals conducive and I would like to discuss this matter to further details.1. 两个单词改为红色的。2. to further details 为 discuss 的结果状语。意为“讨论到更加细微之处”。

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They learn their first words from Mexican nannies  (主句)   who are often working illegally(定语从句), just like the maids who scrub floors (maids 的定语从句)and the gardeners who cut the lawns(gardeners 的定语从句)(like...整个词组,是are working 的方式状语), which...

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1.The price of the piano ____too high for her to buy. A.has been risen B.has risen C.has been raised D.has raised 【说明】rise 不及物动词,说明商品价格根据市场自动升高。raise 及物动词,raise the price  人为地涨价,提价。所以,如果没有其他语境,两个答案都正确。例如:The price of property has ris...

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特殊疑问句的词序问题(为什么用Why should you...?)

Why you should care about China's National People's Congress?——这是BBC新闻、网站和英文报刊上使用的大标题。文章的标题如果是特殊疑问句,可以不倒装。 

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翻译:I've never seen so heavy rain as fell in Paris.

I have never seen so heavy rain as fell in Paris. ——该句漏掉了冠词a,应改为:I have never seen so heavy a rain as fell in Paris.【翻译】我从来没见过像巴黎下过的这么大的雨。▲ rain 之前一旦有了形容词修饰,这个词就变得具体化、形象化,表示“一场大雨,小雨等”,需要加不定冠词,a heavy rain。▲ 此外,由于hea...

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Which do you enjoy spending your spare time in, playing cards at home or taking a walk in the park?——这个句子语法上没错。答语之一是:I enjoy spending my spare time (in) playing cards at home.

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But pains of these kinds do not destroy the essential quality of life, as do those that spring from disgust with self.但这一类的痛苦,不像因憎恶自己而发生的痛苦那样,会破坏人生的主要品质。【答】这个翻译,基本意思是正确的。But pains of these kinds do not destroy the essential quality of life:主句否...

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The golden rule here is spread your risk.【翻译】这里的指导原则是:分散你的投资风险。【分析】首先,可以排除是印刷错误。都多少年了,《新概念英语》不会出现这么低级的失误。不过,当今社会,有一个不是很好的现象存在于语言中,而且大有发展的趋势。不仅在我们汉语中,而且英语中也时常出现。那就是:标点符号的失...

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