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1. Some topics (主语)were (系动词)off limits (表语)for the Premier(状语)2. suggested as more appropriate for conversations between President Bai Chunli of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and me,这是过去分词短语作定语,修饰前句。

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1. work up 在本句的意思是:“加工出;制造出;研制出”,是对某种产品经过一系列的科研、设计等最后出了成品。2. fabrics:纺织物、纺织品、面料之类的产品。3. in sample bodies:介词短语,作“方式状语”。说明“以样品实物的方式”,body 即“实物、实体”之意。也可以理解为fabrics 的定语,说明面料的表现形式。...

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第一句的 with influence to the precipitation 搭配有误。“对...影响” 是 influence on 不是 to。改为:with influence on the precipitation Steepening of the equator to pole temperature gradient prompted intensification of circulation with influence on the precipitation.赤道到极地温度...

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两个答案都对。属于出题失误。1. You can sit here in your spare time. You can sit here when you're not working.是后句对前句的解释。when you're not working 等于 in your spare time2. You can sit here in your spare time. You can sit here when you're reading.两个句子分别表示允许“sit here” &nbs...

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it / which问题

如果去掉并列连词 but ,加上which 就变成了定语从句。以下两句都对:The doctor told Tom that he should take a holiday, but it didn't help.The doctor told Tom that he should take a holiday, which didn't help.

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change 和 exchange 都可以表示“交换;更换;兑换;换成” 之意,表示此意时,用 for 表示交换的目的物。exchange dollars for pounds (for 用于表示交换的目的物)change a $10 bills for two fives (for 用于表示交换的目的物)The new government enacted a law to change to a new bill. (本句,change 表示“改...

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would 的词性和用法

would rather 这个说法,原本是 would rather do,would 是情态动词,rather 是“表示倾向的副词”。经过演变,现已变成了一个及物动词的用法,main verb 已经不需要,也不存在了。后接 that 宾语从句,且宾语从句使用虚拟语气,跟 wish 接宾语从句表示虚拟语气,十分相似。would rather 后的宾语从句,常用一般过去时表示现...

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this kind of, of this kind 的类似说法

有的语法书或者专家说this kind of 可以说成of this kind,其他的不行。——似乎没人这样说过。这原本是一组对称的短语:this kind of books = books of this kindthat kind of books = books of that kindthese kinds of books = books of these kindsthose kinds of books = books of those kindsall kinds of books = book...

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The days are gone 这个被动语态如何理解

The days are gone这是系表结构,gone 是形容词“已去的,逝去的”。故没有被动意义。再说,不及物动词 go 无法构成被动式。

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next 可用于形容词之后吗(如 ambitious next generation)

ambitious next generation (正确的表达)next 有两种用法:1. 表示“序数意义” 时,是一个前置限定词,与定冠词连用修饰后面的名词,例如:the next week(意思是:“接下来的一周”。不是从现在时间看,而是以当时的时间为基准)。如果 week 前还有其他形容词修饰,则放在 next 之后。例如:the next terrible week (接下...

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